sectional X-ray tube

sectional X-ray tube
секционированная рентгеновская трубка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "sectional X-ray tube" в других словарях:

  • X-ray computed tomography — For non medical computed tomography, see Industrial CT Scanning. catSCAN redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Transformers: Universe. X ray computed tomography Intervention A patient is receiving a CT scan for cancer. Outsid …   Wikipedia

  • x-ray — /eks ray /, n. Also, x ray, X ray. 1. Physics. a. Often, x rays. a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but of shorter wavelength and capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases. b. such radiation having wavelengths in the… …   Universalium

  • radar — /ray dahr/, n. 1. Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns. 2. a means or sense of awareness or… …   Universalium

  • Computed tomography — tomos (slice) and graphein (to write).Computed tomography was originally known as the EMI scan as it was developed at a research branch of EMI, a company best known today for its music and recording business. It was later known as computed axial… …   Wikipedia

  • tomography — [tə mäg′rə fē] n. 〚< Gr tomos, a piece cut off (see TOMY) + GRAPHY〛 a process for producing an image of a single plane of an object excluding all other planes, as by using CT SCAN or ULTRASOUND, in …   Universalium

  • tomography — Making of a radiographic image of a selected plane by means of reciprocal linear or curved motion of the x ray tube and film cassette; images of all other planes are blurred (“out of focus”) by being relatively displaced on the film. SYN:… …   Medical dictionary

  • Tungsten — (pronEng|ˈtʌŋstən), also known as wolfram (IPA|/ˈwʊlfrəm/), is a chemical element that has the symbol W and atomic number 74.A steel gray metal, tungsten is found in several ores, including wolframite and scheelite. It is remarkable for its… …   Wikipedia

  • method — The mode or manner or orderly sequence of events of a process or procedure. SEE ALSO: fixative, operation, procedure, stain, technique. [G. methodos; fr. meta, after, + hodos, way] Abell Kendall m. a …   Medical dictionary

  • Electric current — Electromagnetism …   Wikipedia

  • broadcasting — /brawd kas ting, kah sting/, n. 1. the act of transmitting speech, music, visual images, etc., as by radio or television. 2. radio or television as a business or profession: She s training for a career in broadcasting. [1920 25; BROADCAST + ING1] …   Universalium

  • Radiography — Film records (radiographs) of internal structures of the body. Radiography is made possible by X rays (or gamma rays) passing through the body to act on a specially sensitized film. * * * Examination of any part of the body for diagnostic… …   Medical dictionary

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