bell-and-hopper top

bell-and-hopper top
колошник с одноконусной загрузкой

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bell-and-hopper top" в других словарях:

  • Bell and hopper — Hopper Hop per, n. [See 1st {Hop}.] 1. One who, or that which, hops. [1913 Webster] 2. A chute, box, or receptacle, usually funnel shaped with an opening at the lower part, for delivering or feeding any material, as to a machine; as, the wooden… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bell and hopper — noun : an apparatus at the top of a blast furnace consisting of a large hopper closed by a cone which is pulled up from below by the apex and through which the charge may be introduced without escape of the gases …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hopper — Hop per, n. [See 1st {Hop}.] 1. One who, or that which, hops. [1913 Webster] 2. A chute, box, or receptacle, usually funnel shaped with an opening at the lower part, for delivering or feeding any material, as to a machine; as, the wooden box with …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hopper boy — Hopper Hop per, n. [See 1st {Hop}.] 1. One who, or that which, hops. [1913 Webster] 2. A chute, box, or receptacle, usually funnel shaped with an opening at the lower part, for delivering or feeding any material, as to a machine; as, the wooden… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hopper closet — Hopper Hop per, n. [See 1st {Hop}.] 1. One who, or that which, hops. [1913 Webster] 2. A chute, box, or receptacle, usually funnel shaped with an opening at the lower part, for delivering or feeding any material, as to a machine; as, the wooden… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hopper cock — Hopper Hop per, n. [See 1st {Hop}.] 1. One who, or that which, hops. [1913 Webster] 2. A chute, box, or receptacle, usually funnel shaped with an opening at the lower part, for delivering or feeding any material, as to a machine; as, the wooden… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Technological and industrial history of the United States — The technological and industrial history of the United States describes the United States emergence as one of the largest nations in the world as well as the most technologically powerful nation in the world. The availability of land and labor,… …   Wikipedia

  • Edward Hopper/Werkverzeichnis — Werkverzeichnis des US amerikanischen Malers Edward Hopper. Sein Werk lässt sich aufgrund seiner Arbeitsweisen in folgende Perioden teilen: 1893 bis 1901 1902 bis etwa 1922 1923 bis etwa 1930 1931 bis 1950 und danach bis zum Tod (1967) Alle… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Werkverzeichnis von Edward Hopper — Werkverzeichnis des US amerikanischen Malers Edward Hopper. Sein Werk lässt sich aufgrund seiner Arbeitsweisen in folgende Perioden teilen: Whitney Museum 1893 bis 1901 1902 bis etwa 1922 1923 bis etwa 1930 1931 bis 1950 und danach bis zum Tod… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Art and Art Exhibitions — ▪ 2009 Introduction Art       The art market enjoyed an astonishing run of record breaking sales through the first nine months of a volatile 2008. In May Lucian Freud s Benefits Supervisor Sleeping (1995), a candid portrayal of a corpulent female …   Universalium

  • William Hopper — L acteur en 1934 Données clés Nom de naissance William DeWolf …   Wikipédia en Français

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