- secondary reserves
запасы, извлекаемые вторичными методами добычи
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Secondary Reserves — Assets that are invested in safe, marketable, short term securities such as Treasury bills when the demand for loans is low. Secondary reserves provide a supplemental measure of low risk liquidity. They earn interest and can be useful in… … Investment dictionary
reserves — Synonyms and related words: Swiss bank account, US Army Reserve, US Naval Reserve, agent, alternate, alternative, analogy, army reserves, assets, auxiliaries, backlog, backup, balance, bank account, bottom dollar, budget, cache, cash reserves,… … Moby Thesaurus
secondary — Synonyms and related words: Janus like, Maxwell triangle, Munsell scale, accessory, accident, accidental, addendum, addition, additional, adjunct, adscititious, adventitious, advocate, agent, alter ego, alternate, alternative, ambidextrous,… … Moby Thesaurus
secondary reserve — noun : bank assets (as government securities and bank acceptances) readily convertible into cash to replenish primary reserves … Useful english dictionary
Primary Reserves — The minimum amount of cash required to operate a bank. Primary reserves also include the legal reserves that are housed in a Federal Reserve or other correspondent bank. Checks that have not been collected are included in this amount as well.… … Investment dictionary
liquidity reserves — The amount of unused capacity to meet unexpected reductions in funding or unexpected new funding requirements in the future. For much of the twentieth century, liquidity reserves were defined as primary reserves (cash and deposits due from banks) … Financial and business terms
Oil reserves in the United States — United States oil reserves peaked sharply in 1970 Proven oil reserves in the United States are 21 billion barrels (3.3×10^9 m3), excluding the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. Department of the Interior … Wikipedia
Oil reserves in Russia — There are several different estimates of proven oil reserves in Russia. Most estimates include only Western Siberian reserves, exploited since the 1970s and supplying two thirds of Russian oil, and not potentially huge reserves elsewhere. In 2005 … Wikipedia
Chemainus Secondary School — Chemainus Secondary Address 9947 Daniel St Chemainus, British Columbia, V0R 1K0, Canada Information School number 7965033 … Wikipedia
Bell Matriculation Higher Secondary School — History Bell Matriculation Higher Secondary School was founded in 1992 by Mr. A.Chelladhurai, an eminent industrialist and entrepreneur in Southern India. The school is run by Indrani Chelladhurai Charities, a trust that was formed by the founder … Wikipedia
РЕЗЕРВЫ ВТОРИЧНЫЕ — SECONDARY RESERVESПриносящие доходы активы банка, за исключением активов инвестиционного типа, к рые призваны дополнять первичные резервы (наличные средства и их эквиваленты) посредством обеспечения дополнительной ликвидности при изъятии… … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов