- secondary key
вчт. вторичный ключ
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Secondary Key — [dt. Sekundärschlüssel], Schlüssel … Universal-Lexikon
secondary key — antrinis raktas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Raktas (↑įrašo ↑laukas (2)), negalintis vienareikšmiškai identifikuoti įrašo ↑duomenų bazėje. Paprastai tai reikšmių laukas. Tokias pat reikšmes gali turėti keli įrašai. Pavyzdžiui, asmenų … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
secondary key — n. a key which operates certain locks on a vehicle, but not the ignition lock … Locksmith dictionary
secondary key — A key which operates only the locks needed for valet parking, i.e., door locks, ignition switch and steering column lock; does not allow access to trunk, glove box, etc … Dictionary of automotive terms
key — [1] A parallel sided piece inserted into a groove cut part way into each of two parts, which prevents slippage between the two parts and they rotate together. Used to secure gears, pulleys, cranks, handles, etc. [2] A metal instrument for turning … Dictionary of automotive terms
Secondary dominant — (also applied dominant) is a type of chord used in musical harmony. It refers to a dominant of a degree other than the tonic, with V7/V, the dominant of the dominant, being the most frequently encountered [Kostka, Stefan and Dorothy Payne (2003) … Wikipedia
Secondary Education in Wales — is delivered through Secondary School or High School.The National Curriculum is applied to 4 key stages of pupil development. In Primary school learners study the National Curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2. In Secondary School learners study Key… … Wikipedia
Secondary school — is a term used to describe an educational institution where the final stage of compulsory schooling, known as secondary education, takes place. It follows on from primary or elementary education. There are many different types of secondary school … Wikipedia
Key Stage 3 — is the legal term for the three years of schooling in maintained schools in England and Wales normally known as Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9, when pupils are aged between 11 and 14. In Northern Ireland the term also refers to the first three years… … Wikipedia
Secondary liability — Secondary liability, or indirect infringement, arises when a party materially contributes to, facilitates, induces, or is otherwise responsible for directly infringing acts carried out by another party. The US has statutorily codified secondary… … Wikipedia
Secondary education in the Borough of Halton — is provided by eight secondary schools and one further education college, Riverside College. Four of the secondary schools are in Widnes and four are in Runcorn. The college works from three campuses, two in Widnes and one in Runcorn. The… … Wikipedia