- secant of angle
секанс угла
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
sécant — sécant, ante [ sekɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. f. • 1542; lat. secans, de secare « couper » 1 ♦ Qui coupe (une ligne, un plan). Droite, courbe sécante (opposé à parallèle, tangente) . Plan sécant. Cercles sécants, sphères sécantes, ayant des points… … Encyclopédie Universelle
secant — [sē′kənt] adj. [L secans, prp. of secare, to cut: see SAW1] cutting; intersecting n. 1. Geom. any straight line intersecting a curve at two or more points 2. Trigonometry the reciprocal of the cosine; specif., a) the ratio of the hypotenuse to… … English World dictionary
secant — ► NOUN 1) Mathematics (in a right angled triangle) the ratio of the hypotenuse to the shorter side adjacent to an acute angle. 2) Geometry a straight line that cuts a curve in two or more parts. ORIGIN from Latin secare to cut … English terms dictionary
Secant line — A secant line of a curve is a line that (locally) intersects two points on the curve. The word secant comes from the Latin secare , for to cut .It can be used to approximate the tangent to a curve, at some point P . If the secant to a curve is… … Wikipedia
secant — noun Etymology: New Latin secant , secans, from Latin, present participle of secare to cut more at saw Date: 1593 1. a straight line cutting a curve at two or more points 2. a straight line drawn from the center of a circle through one end of a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
secant — secantly, adv. /see kant, keuhnt/, n. 1. Geom. an intersecting line, esp. one intersecting a curve at two or more points. 2. Trig. a. (in a right triangle) the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side adjacent to a given angle. b. (originally) a line… … Universalium
secant — adj. & n. Math. adj. cutting (secant line). n. 1 a line cutting a curve at one or more points. 2 the ratio of the hypotenuse to the shorter side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right angled triangle). Usage: Abbr.: sec. Etymology: F… … Useful english dictionary
SÉCANT, ANTE — adj. T. de Géométrie Qui coupe. Plan sécant. SÉCANTE est aussi nom féminin et s’emploie pour désigner Toute ligne ou toute surface qui en coupe une autre. Il se dit particulièrement d’Une des lignes trigonométriques d’un angle. Sécante d’un arc.… … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
secant — se•cant [[t]ˈsi kænt, kənt[/t]] n. 1) math. an intersecting line, esp. one intersecting a curve at two or more points 2) math. (in a right triangle) the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side adjacent to a given angle; the reciprocal of its cosine… … From formal English to slang
secant — noun a) A straight line that intersects a curve at two or more points. b) In a right triangle, the reciprocal of the cosine of an angle. Symbol: sec See … Wiktionary
secant — se·cant || sɪËkænt / sɪËkÉ™nt n. straight line that intersects a curve at two or more points (Geometry); ratio of the hypotenuse of a right triangle to the side adjacent to a given angle (Trigonometry) … English contemporary dictionary