seasonal efficiency

seasonal efficiency
сезонная экономичность (отопительного котла)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "seasonal efficiency" в других словарях:

  • Seasonal energy efficiency ratio — The efficiency of air conditioners is often rated by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) which is defined by the [Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute] in its standard ARI 210=240, Performance Rating of Unitary Air… …   Wikipedia

  • Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio — (SEER)   A measure of seasonal or annual efficiency of a central air conditioner or air conditioning heat pump. It takes into account the variations in temperature that can occur within a season and is the average number of Btu of cooling… …   Energy terms

  • Seasonal energy efficiency ratio — (SEER)   Ratio of the cooling output divided by the power consumption. It is the Btu of cooling output during its normal annual usage divided by the total electric energy input in watt hours during the same period. This is a measure of the… …   Energy terms

  • seasonal energy efficiency ratio — (SEER) A measure of cooling capacity …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Annual fuel utilization efficiency — The annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE; pronounced A Few ) is a thermal efficiency measure of combustion equipment like furnaces, boilers, and water heaters. The AFUE differs from the true thermal efficiency in that it is not a steady state …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal efficiency — In thermodynamics, the thermal efficiency (eta {th} ,) is a dimensionless performance measure of a thermal device such as an internal combustion engine, a boiler, or a furnace, for example. The input, Q {in} ,, to the device is heat, or the heat… …   Wikipedia

  • Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency — (AFUE)   The measure of seasonal or annual efficiency of a residential heating furnace or boiler. It takes into account the cyclic on/off operation and associated energy losses of the heating unit as it responds to changes in the load, which in… …   Energy terms

  • Heating Seasonal Performance Factor — (HSPF)   The measure of seasonal or annual efficiency of a heat pump operating in the heating mode. It takes into account the variations in temperature that can occur within a season and is the average number of Btu of heat delivered for every… …   Energy terms

  • SE — (Seasonal Efficiency)   a measure of the percentage of heat from the combustion of gas and from associated electrical equipment which is transferred to the space being heated during a year under specified conditions. California Code of… …   Energy terms

  • Condensing boiler — A condensing boiler utilizes the latent heat of water produced from the burning of fuel, in addition to the standard sensible heat, to increase its efficiency. Contents 1 Principles of work 2 Usage 3 Efficiency 4 …   Wikipedia

  • CSE — (California Seasonal Efficiency)   See See Seasonal Efficiency.   California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms …   Energy terms

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