- sea-bottom blowout preventer
придонный противовыбросовый превентор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
придонный противовыбросовый превентор — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN sea bottom blowout preventersubsea blowout preventer … Справочник технического переводчика
Deepwater Horizon oil spill — 2010 oil spill and BP oil spill redirect here. For other oil spills in 2010, see 2010 oil spill (disambiguation). For the 2006 oil spill involving BP, see Prudhoe Bay oil spill. For the drilling rig and explosion, see Deepwater Horizon… … Wikipedia
Offshore oil spill prevention and response — Inspector on offshore oil drilling rig Offshore oil spill prevention and response is the study and practice of reducing the number of offshore incidents that release oil or hazardous substances into the environment and limiting the amount… … Wikipedia
List of oil field acronyms — Contents 1 # 2 A 3 B 4 C … Wikipedia
Ölpest im Golf von Mexiko 2010 — Ausmaß der Ölkatastrophe im Golf von Mexiko am 24. Mai 2010 (Aufnahme der NASA) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Completion (oil and gas wells) — This article is about the oil or gas well completion. For other uses of completion, see Completion (disambiguation) In petroleum production, completion is the process of making a well ready for production (or injection). This principally involves … Wikipedia
Coiled tubing — In the oil and gas industries, coiled tubing refers to metal piping, normally 1 to 3.25 in diameter, used for interventions in oil and gas wells and sometimes as production tubing in depleted gas wells, which comes spooled on a large reel. Coiled … Wikipedia
Oil well control — is the management of the dangerous effects caused by unexpected high pressures upon surface equipment of oil or gas drilling rigs. Technically, oil well control involves preventing Formation fluid, usually referred to as kick, from entering into… … Wikipedia