- screen negative
растровый негатив
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Screen negative — Растровый негатив … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Screen-printing — is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink blocking stencil. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink as a sharp edged image onto a substrate. A roller or squeegee is moved across the screen stencil… … Wikipedia
Negative free bid — is a contract bridge treatment whereby a free bid by responder over an opponent s overcall shows a long suit in a weak hand and is not forcing. This is in contrast with standard treatment, where a free bid can show unlimited values and is… … Wikipedia
Negative predictive value — In statistics and diagnostic testing, the negative predictive value (NPV) is a summary statistic used to describe the performance of a diagnostic testing procedure. It is defined as the proportion of subjects with a negative test result who are… … Wikipedia
Screen protector — A screen protector is used to protect the LCD screens of digital, electronic devices. The personal digital assistant (PDA) is, perhaps, the most commonly used gadget for which screen protectors are used since PDAs are operated via a stylus. If… … Wikipedia
Screen grid — The screen grid is a grid introduced into a vacuum tube (thermionic valve) to greatly reduce the capacitance between two other parts of the electrode structure.In its simplest form, a screen grid is placed between the control grid and anode or… … Wikipedia
Negative selection (artificial selection) — For other uses, see Negative selection (disambiguation). In artificial selection, negative selection is where negative, rather than positive, traits of a species are selected for evolutionary continuance. It is generally not desirable, but may be … Wikipedia
Negative pulldown — A comparison of 4 perf, 3 perf and 2 perf 35 mm film formats. Negative pulldown is the manner in which an image is exposed on a film stock, described in the number of film perforations spanned by an individual frame. It can also describe the… … Wikipedia
Negative screen — Негативный (контактный) растр … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Split screen (filmmaking) — In film and video production, split screen is the visible division of the screen, traditionally in half, but also in several simultaneous images, rupturing the illusion that the screen s frame is a seamless view of reality, similar to that of the … Wikipedia
List of video games notable for negative reception — The video games listed here have achieved notably negative reception from a variety of gaming publications, some of which have also labelled them as the worst video games ever made. Contents 1 1980s 1.1 Custer s Revenge (Atari 2600) 1.2 E.T. the… … Wikipedia