scheduled flight

scheduled flight
1) полёт по расписанию
2) рейс по расписанию

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "scheduled flight" в других словарях:

  • scheduled flight — ˈscheduled flight [scheduled flight] noun a plane service that leaves at a regular time each day or week compare ↑charter flight …   Useful english dictionary

  • scheduled — UK US /ˈʃedjuːld/ US  /ˈsked / adjective ► arranged to happen at a particular time: »He went to the doctor on Wednesday for a previously scheduled appointment. scheduled departure/arrival »3pm is the scheduled departure time. »a scheduled… …   Financial and business terms

  • Flight — (fl[imac]t), n. [AS. fliht, flyht, a flying, fr. fle[ o]gan to fly; cf. flyht a fleeing, fr. fle[ o]n to flee, G. flucht a fleeing, Sw. flykt, G. flug a flying, Sw. flygt, D. vlugt a fleeing or flying, Dan. flugt. [root]84. See {Flee}, {Fly}.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flight feathers — Flight Flight (fl[imac]t), n. [AS. fliht, flyht, a flying, fr. fle[ o]gan to fly; cf. flyht a fleeing, fr. fle[ o]n to flee, G. flucht a fleeing, Sw. flykt, G. flug a flying, Sw. flygt, D. vlugt a fleeing or flying, Dan. flugt. [root]84. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flight cancellation — occurs when an airline cancels a scheduled flight for a certain reason. When flights are cancelled, passengers may be entitled to compensation due to rules obeyed by every flight company, usually Rule 240, or Rule 218 in certain locations. This… …   Wikipedia

  • scheduled — sched|uled [ skedʒəld ] adjective only before noun * 1. ) traveling at the same time each day or week: a scheduled flight 2. ) planned to happen at a particular time or day: a scheduled lecture …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • scheduled */ — UK [ˈʃedjuːld] / US [ˈskedʒəld] adjective [only before noun] 1) travelling at the same time each day or each week a scheduled flight 2) planned to happen at a particular time or day a scheduled lecture …   English dictionary

  • scheduled — [ˈʃedʒuːld] adj planned to happen at a particular time, or at the same time each day, week etc a scheduled lecture[/ex] a scheduled flight[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Flight 19 — Artist s depiction of five Avengers. Occurrence summary Date December 5, 1945 …   Wikipedia

  • flight — [flaɪt] noun TRAVEL 1. [countable] a journey by plane: • The airline began the regular flights to Santiago less than a year ago. • a return flight to Hong Kong 2. top flight …   Financial and business terms

  • Flight Operations Quality Assurance — (FOQA, pronounced PHO kua), also known as Flight Data Management (FDM) or Flight Data Analysis, is a method of capturing and analyzing the data generated by an aircraft moving through the air from one point to another. Applying the information… …   Wikipedia

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