- scavenging
1) очистка; удаление примесей; продувка2) вымывание (примесей из атмосферы)3) захватывание примесных частиц (газа)4) извлечение полезных продуктов из отходов•
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Scavenging — Scav eng*ing, p. pr. & vb. n. of {Scavenge}. Hence, n. (Internal combustion Engines) Act or process of expelling the exhaust gases from the cylinder by some special means, as, in many four cycle engines, by utilizing the momentum of the exhaust… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scavenging — The removal of the exhaust gases from the cylinder by using the momentum of the exhaust gases in a long exhaust pipe or by taking advantage of the pressure waves set up in the exhaust pipe by the discharge of the gases. See backflow scavenging… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Scavenging — Unter Scavenging (engl. ausräumen) versteht man die Betriebsweise eines Verbrennungsmotors, bei der sich die Öffnungszeiten von Einlass und Auslassventil teilweise überschneiden. Dadurch spült ein Teil der angesaugten kalten Frischluft das im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Scavenging — Récupération informelle des déchets Pour les articles homonymes, voir Récupération des déchets et Chiffonnier. Ramasseurs de déchets dans un bidonvill … Wikipédia en Français
scavenging — adjective also scavenge Etymology: scavenging from scavenging act of cleaning (from gerund of scavenge to clean; scavenge from scavenge to clean : of or relating to the process of removing used oil and waste gases from an engine cylinder a… … Useful english dictionary
scavenging — išsivalymas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Teršalų išnykimas atmosferoje vykstant gamtiniams procesams. atitikmenys: angl. scavenging vok. Selbstreinigung, f rus. самоочистка, f pranc. auto nettoyage, m … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Scavenging (automotive) — Uniflow scavenging For other uses, see Scavenger (disambiguation). In automotive usage, scavenging is the process of pushing exhausted gas charge out of the cylinder and drawing in a fresh draught of air ready for the next cycle. This process is… … Wikipedia
scavenging picture — In experimental two stroke engine development, a map of the scavenging air velocity distribution and the scavenging jet orientation inside a cylinder … Dictionary of automotive terms
scavenging pump — An engine driven pump in the engine lubrication system that picks up oil after it has lubricated the engine and returns it to the oil reservoir. The output of a scavenging pump(s) is higher than the engine driven pump that is pumping in the oil… … Aviation dictionary
scavenging jet — The jet of fresh charge supplied into the cylinder, the shape and direction of which determine the effectiveness of the scavenging process … Dictionary of automotive terms
scavenging passage — The passage inside a two stroke engine that serves to scavenge the exhaust gas from the engine; in most cases it refers to the transfer passage, as the gas column supplied across the transfer port initiates the scavenging process … Dictionary of automotive terms