- scattering pattern
диаграмма рассеяния
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
scattering — Synonyms and related words: a few, aloofness, anarchy, attenuation, attenuative, bit, breakup, broadcast, broadcasting, chaos, circumfusion, confusion, crack up, diffraction, diffractional, diffractive, diffusion, diffusive, dilution,… … Moby Thesaurus
Small-angle X-ray scattering — (SAXS) is a small angle scattering (SAS) technique where the elastic scattering of X rays (wavelength 0.1 ... 0.2 nm) by a sample which has inhomogeneities in the nm range, is recorded at very low angles (typically 0.1 10°). This angular range… … Wikipedia
Biological small-angle scattering — Small angle scattering is a fundamental method for structure analysis of materials, including biological materials. Small angle scattering allows one to study the structure of a variety of objects such as solutions of biological macromolecules,… … Wikipedia
Speckle pattern — A speckle pattern is a random intensity pattern produced by the mutual interference of a set of wavefronts. This phenomenon has been investigated by scientists since the time of Newton, but speckles have come into prominence since the invention… … Wikipedia
Helium atom scattering — (HAS) is a surface analysis technique used in materials science. HAS provides information about the surface structure and lattice dynamics of a material by measuring the diffracted atoms from a monochromatic helium beam incident on the sample.… … Wikipedia
Wide angle X-ray scattering — (WAXS) or Wide angle X ray diffraction (WAXD) is an X ray diffraction technique that is often used to determine the crystalline structure of polymers. This technique specifically refers to the analysis of Bragg Peaks scattered to wide angles,… … Wikipedia
Mott scattering — Mott scattering, also referred to as spin coupling inelastic Coulomb scattering, is the separation of the two spin states of an electron beam by scattering the beam off the Coulomb field of heavy atoms. It is mostly used to measure the spin… … Wikipedia
Multiangle light scattering — (MALS) is a technique for determining, independently, the absolute molar mass and the average size of particles in solution, by detecting how they scatter light. Collimated light from a laser source is most often used, in which case the technique … Wikipedia
Dynamic light scattering — Hypothetical Dynamic light scattering of two samples: Larger particles on the top and smaller particle on the bottom Dynamic light scattering (also known as photon correlation spectroscopy or quasi elastic light scattering) is a technique in… … Wikipedia
Dynamic Scattering Mode — George Heilmeier proposed the dynamic scattering effect which causes a strong scattering of light when the electric field applied to a special liquid crystal mixture exceeds a threshold value. A DSM cell requires the following ingredients: * a… … Wikipedia
Dynamic scattering mode — George Heilmeier proposed the dynamic scattering effect which causes a strong scattering of light when the electric field applied to a special liquid crystal mixture exceeds a threshold value. A DSM cell requires the following ingredients: a… … Wikipedia