- scanning frame
кадр развёртки, растр
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Frame rate — Frame rate, or frame frequency, is the measurement of the frequency (rate) at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images called frames. The term applies equally well to computer graphics, video cameras, film cameras, and motion… … Wikipedia
frame — [frām] vt. framed, framing [ME framen < frame, a structure, frame, prob. < ON frami, profit, benefit, akin to frama, to further < fram, forward (akin to OE fram, FROM); some senses < OE framian, to be helpful: see FURNISH] 1. to shape … English World dictionary
Frame shutter mode — Frame shutter mode, also known as progressive shutter mode is the name that Sony came up with after it developed a progressive scan CCD for video cameras. This mode allows full frame acquisition with conventional interlaced field output. In Frame … Wikipedia
frame — framable, frameable, adj. framableness, frameableness, n. frameless, adj. framer, n. /fraym/, n., v., framed, framing. n. 1. a border or case for enclosing a picture, mirror, etc. 2. a rigid structure formed of relatively slender pieces, j … Universalium
Frame Rate — F/A/V The frequency at which film or video frames run (i.e. 24 fps; 29.97 Hz in NTSC; 25 Hz in PAL European format). VP Refers to the number of frames of video you are shooting each second. Frame rates are usually shown in camera specs followed… … Audio and video glossary
Frame rate — FilmM refers to the number of frames of video you are shooting each second. Frame rates are usually shown in camera specs followed by the designation of “p” for progressive or “i” for interlaced scanning. Typical frame rate specs are expressed in … Audio and video glossary
scanning line — (in a cathode ray or television tube) a single horizontal trace made by the electron beam in one traversal of the fluorescent screen. Cf. frame (def. 9). [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
scanning line — (in a cathode ray or television tube) a single horizontal trace made by the electron beam in one traversal of the fluorescent screen. Cf. frame (def. 9). [1925 30] … Useful english dictionary
Book scanning — is the process of converting physical books into digital media such as images, electronic text, or electronic books (e books) by using an image scanner. Digital books can be easily distributed, reproduced, and read on screen. Common file formats… … Wikipedia
Progressive segmented frame — (PsF, sF, SF) is a High Definition mastering video format designed to acquire, store, modify and distribute progressive content using interlaced equipment and media. History PsF has been designed to simplify the conversion of cinematic content to … Wikipedia
Interlaced Scanning — VP To economise bandwidth for CRT monitors, lines of video are recorded as separate fields of odd lines followed by scans of the even lines. Sometimes still frames in interlace scanning produce a flicker. Progressive scanning produces sharper… … Audio and video glossary