saturation power

saturation power
мощность насыщения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "saturation power" в других словарях:

  • Saturation (magnetic) — Magnetization curves of 9 ferromagnetic materials, showing saturation. 1.Sheet steel, 2.Silicon steel, 3.Cast steel, 4.Tungsten steel, 5.Magnet steel, 6.Cast iron, 7.Nickel, 8.Cobalt, 9.Magnetite[1] Seen in some magnetic materials, saturation is… …   Wikipedia

  • Saturation vapor curve — The saturation vapor curve usually states for the separation curve between the two phase state and the vapor state in the T s thermodynamic diagram. When used in a power cycle, the fluid expansion depends strongly on the nature of this saturation …   Wikipedia

  • Kai's Power Tools — are a set of API plugins created by Kai Krause that were designed for use with Adobe Photoshop and Corel Photo Paint. Kai s Power Tools were sold to Corel when MetaCreations was closed.The phrase Kai s Power Tools is often abbreviated to… …   Wikipedia

  • Market saturation — Logistic growth is an example for a bounded growth which is limited by saturation: The graph shows an imaginary market with logistic growth. In that example, the blue curve depicts the development of the size of that market. The red curve… …   Wikipedia

  • Switched-mode power supply — switched mode power supply. A bridge rectifier B Input filter capacitors C Transformer D output filter coil E output filter capacitors ] A switched mode power supply, switching mode power supply or SMPS, is an electronic power supply unit (PSU)… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal power station — Republika Power Plant, a thermal power station in Pernik, Bulgaria …   Wikipedia

  • Optical power meter — in use An optical power meter (OPM) is a device used to measure the power in an optical signal. The term usually refers to a device for testing average power in fiber optic systems. Other general purpose light power measuring devices are usually… …   Wikipedia

  • ГОСТ 23769-79: Приборы электронные и устройства защитные СВЧ. Термины, определения и буквенные обозначения — Терминология ГОСТ 23769 79: Приборы электронные и устройства защитные СВЧ. Термины, определения и буквенные обозначения оригинал документа: 39. π вид колебаний Ндп. Противофазный вид колебаний Вид колебаний, при котором высокочастотные напряжения …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • мощность — 3.6 мощность (power): Мощность может быть выражена терминами «механическая мощность на валу у соединительной муфты турбины» (mechanical shaft power at the turbine coupling), «электрическая мощность турбогенератора» (electrical power of the… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Jean-Claude Simon — is one of the pioneers in the field of semiconductoroptical amplifiers. Since 1998 he is Permanent professor at ENSSAT / University of Rennes1. Director of FOTON, research department in Optics and Optoelectronics for Telecom, affiliated to CNRS.… …   Wikipedia

  • Jean-Claude Simon — est un des pionniers de la télécommunication par amplificateurs optiques. Il est né à Dalat, Viêt Nam, en 1948. Après son doctorat de 3e cycle en 1975 à l université d Orsay il obtint un doctorat d État en 1983 à l université de Nice. Il intégra… …   Wikipédia en Français

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