satellite transponder

satellite transponder
спутниковый ретранслятор

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "satellite transponder" в других словарях:

  • Satellite Business Systems — Satellite Business Systems, abbreviated as SBS , was a company founded by IBM, Aetna, Comsat (and later purchased by MCI), that provided private professional satellite communications through its SBS fleet of FSS geosynchronous satellites, and was …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite radio — is an analogue or digital radio signal that is relayed through one or more satellites and thus can be received in a much wider geographical area than terrestrial FM radio stations. While in Europe many primarily FM radio stations provide an… …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite television — List of digital television broadcast standards DVB standards (Europe) DVB S (satellite) DVB S2 DVB T (terrestrial) DVB T2 DVB C …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite dish — A C band satellite dish …   Wikipedia

  • Transponder — A Highway 407 toll transponder In telecommunication, the term transponder (short for Transmitter responder and sometimes abbreviated to XPDR,[1] XPNDR,[2] TPDR …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite — This article is about artificial satellites. For natural satellites, also known as moons, see Natural satellite. For other uses, see Satellite (disambiguation). An animation depicting the orbits of GPS satellites in medium Earth orbit …   Wikipedia

  • Transponder (Satellite communications) — A communications satellite’s channels are called transponders, because each is a separate transceiver or repeater. Most comsats are microwave radio relay stations in orbit, and carry dozens of transponders, each with a bandwidth of tens of… …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite channel router — Unicable ist ein geschützter Markenname der FTA Comunications SARL. Er wird im deutschen Sprachraum häufig gleichgesetzt mit dem europäischen Einkabelstandard Satellite channel router (SCR). Bei Unicable handelt es sich jedoch lediglich um eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • transponder — WikiB A physical part of a satellite that broadcasts the signal. In colloquial use, the satellite equivalent of the channel a television station is broadcast on (e.g. broadcasting from Transponder 2C of the satellite ) …   Audio and video glossary

  • satellite communication — Introduction  in telecommunication, the use of artificial satellites to provide communications links between various points on Earth (Earth satellite). Communications satellites relay voice, video, and data signals between widely separated fixed… …   Universalium

  • transponder — tran·spon·der s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. TS elettron., aer. sistema elettronico di identificazione che fa parte della strumentazione a bordo degli aerei 2. TS telecom. apparato costituito da un ricevitore, un amplificatore di segnale e… …   Dizionario italiano

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