- sample copy
пробный отпечаток; пряная копия (кинофильма)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Sample copy — Оригинал (образец), с которого делается копия; Пробный экземпляр … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
sample — 1. noun 1) a sample of the fabric Syn: specimen, example, bit, snippet, swatch, representative piece, exemplification; prototype, test piece, dummy, pilot, trial, taste, taster, tester 2) a sam … Thesaurus of popular words
sample — 1. noun 1) a sample of the fabric Syn: specimen, example, snippet, swatch, taste, taster 2) a representative sample Syn: cross section, selection 2. verb we sampled the f … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
sample — /ˈsæmpəl / (say sampuhl), /ˈsampəl/ (say sahmpuhl) noun 1. a small part of anything or one of a number, intended to show the quality, style, etc., of the whole; a specimen. 2. Music a digitally encoded recording of sound which may be reproduced,… …
Copy number analysis — usually refers to the process of analyzing data produced by a test for DNA copy number variation in patient s sample. Such analysis helps detect chromosomal copy number variation that may cause or may increase risks of various critical… … Wikipedia
Copy testing — Marketing Key concepts Product marketing · Pricing … Wikipedia
sample — I UK [ˈsɑːmp(ə)l] / US [ˈsæmp(ə)l] noun [countable] Word forms sample : singular sample plural samples *** 1) an example or small amount of something that shows you what all of it is like sample of: I took home some samples of curtain fabrics. We … English dictionary
sample — sam|ple1 [ sæmpl ] noun count *** 1. ) an example or small amount of something that shows you what all of it is like: sample of: I took home some samples of curtain fabrics. We had to bring some samples of our work to the interview. a ) a small… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
copy — Synonyms and related words: Doppelganger, Photostat, Xerox, abstract, abstraction, act, act a part, act as, act like, act out, actual thing, adopt, affect, agent, altarpiece, alternate, alternative, analogy, ape, appear like, approach,… … Moby Thesaurus
copy — n 1. imitation, reproduction, replica, ec type, transcript, apograph, replication, duplication; duplicate, carbon, facsimile, carbon copy, Trademark.Xerox; representation, semblance, likeness; counterfeit, forgery, fake, sham. 2. example,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
National Sample Survey Organisation — The National Sample Survey Organisation or NSSO, now National Sample Survey Office is an organization in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation of the Government of India. It is the largest organisation in India conducting… … Wikipedia