- saddle stitch
шорный стежок
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
saddle-stitch — saddle stitching, n. /sad l stich /, v.t. to sew, bind, or decorate with a saddle stitch. [1930 35] * * * saddˈle stitch transitive verb and intransitive verb To sew using saddle stitch • • • Main Entry: ↑saddle … Useful english dictionary
saddle-stitch — saddle stitching, n. /sad l stich /, v.t. to sew, bind, or decorate with a saddle stitch. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
saddle stitch — noun 1》 a stitch of thread or a wire staple passed through the fold of a magazine or booklet. 2》 (in needlework) a decorative stitch made with long stitches on the upper side of the cloth alternated with short stitches on the underside. verb… … English new terms dictionary
saddle-stitch — /ˈsædl stɪtʃ/ (say sadl stich) verb (t) to sew (a garment, book, etc.) with a saddle stitch …
Saddle stitch stapler — Saddle stitch staplers are bookbinding tools designed to insert staples into the spine (saddle) of folded printed matter such as booklets, catalogues, brochures, and manuals.Most high end photocopiers and digital production printers on the market … Wikipedia
saddle stitch — sad′dle stitch n. clo a) an overcasting stitch, esp. one made with a strip of leather or cord b) a spaced running stitch in contrasting thread • Etymology: 1930–35 sad′dle stitch , v.t … From formal English to slang
saddle stitch — noun A stitch in which the center of the fold is placed across the saddle of the stitcher and then wire staples are driven through and clinched on the inside … Wiktionary
saddle stitch — 1. Sewing. a. an overcasting stitch, esp. one made with a strip of leather or a thick leatherlike cord. b. a spaced running stitch in contrasting or heavy thread, used mainly for decoration, usually along an edge. 2. Bookbinding. a binding stitch … Universalium
saddle stitch — noun a decorative overcast or running stitch, especially in a contrasting color • Hypernyms: ↑sewing stitch, ↑embroidery stitch … Useful english dictionary
saddle stitch — /ˈsædl stɪtʃ/ (say sadl stich) noun 1. a running stitch usually set in from an edge that is used as a decorative trimming on clothing and leather articles. 2. Bookbinding a stitch used to secure pages at the centrefold, with thread or wire …
Saddle stitch — Шить? (проволокой) внакидку … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии