
1) медленный останов (ядерного реактора)
2) перегонка
3) система нефтезаводской перегонки
4) сливная труба; слив

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "rundown" в других словарях:

  • rundown — (n.) in baseball sense, first recorded 1908, from RUN (Cf. run) (v.) + DOWN (Cf. down) (adv.). Meaning list of entries in a horse race and the odds is from 1935; slang sense of summary, account, list of information or facts is from 1945 …   Etymology dictionary

  • rundown — [n] summary briefing, outline, précis, recap*, recapitulation, report, résumé, review, run through, sketch, synopsis; concept 283 …   New thesaurus

  • rundown — ► NOUN ▪ a brief analysis or summary. ► ADJECTIVE (run down) 1) in a poor or neglected state. 2) tired and rather unwell, especially through overwork …   English terms dictionary

  • rundown — [run′doun΄] n. 1. a concise summary or outline ☆ 2. Baseball the act of running down a base runner …   English World dictionary

  • rundown — UK [ˈrʌnˌdaʊn] / US noun [countable, usually singular] Word forms rundown : singular rundown plural rundowns 1) a short description or explanation of something rundown of: Can you give us a rundown of the main points? 2) British a reduction in… …   English dictionary

  • rundown — A summary of the amount and prices of a serial bond issue that is still available for purchase. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * rundown run‧down [ˈrʌndaʊn] noun [singular] 1. a quick report or explanation of an idea, situation etc: rundown… …   Financial and business terms

  • rundown — run|down [ˈrʌndaun] n [singular] 1.) the process of making a business or industry smaller and less important rundown of ▪ the rundown of British Steel s activities in Scotland 2.) a quick report or explanation of an idea, situation etc rundown on …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rundown — 1. noun a) A rough outline. Generally used in the definite, as the rundown. Could you give me the rundown on the new rules? b) A defensive play in which the runner is caught between two fielders, who steadily converge to tag the runner out. Smith …   Wiktionary

  • rundown — n. summary to give smb. a rundown * * * to give smb. a rundown …   Combinatory dictionary

  • rundown — run|down [ rʌn,daun ] noun count usually singular 1. ) a short report: rundown of: Can you give us a rundown of the main points? 2. ) BRITISH a reduction in size or quality …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rundown — noun (countable usually singular) 1 a quick report or explanation of an idea, situation etc: give sb a rundown on: Someone give Charlie a quick rundown on what we ve done so far. 2 (singular) the process of making a business or industry smaller… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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