
1) установившаяся практика; заведённый порядок
3) повседневный уход за оборудованием
4) вчт. (стандартная) программа; подпрограмма
answer routine
benchmark routine
bootstrap routine
checking routine
check routine
checkout routine
checkpoint routine
closed routine
construction routine
control routine
cutting technology routine
debugging routine
diagnostic routine
direct-insert routine
editing routine
emergency stop routine
end-of-run routine
error routine
generalized routine
general routine
housekeeping routine
incomplete routine
input routine
input/output routine
interrupt handling routine
interrupt routine
interrupt-service routine
library routine
logic hyphenation routine
maintenance routine
measurement routine
microcode routine
open routine
output routine
parametric routine
path-oriented routine
printout routine
print routine
QC routine
question routine
relocatable routine
routine or experiment
service routine
simulation routine
standard routine
testing routine
test routine
trace routine
transient routine
utility routine

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу


Смотреть что такое "routine" в других словарях:

  • routine — [ rutin ] n. f. • 1715; rotine 1559; de route 1 ♦ Habitude d agir ou de penser toujours de la même manière, avec qqch. de mécanique et d irréfléchi. ⇒ train train; fam. ronron. « Quand ma besogne, devenue une espèce de routine, occupa moins mon… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Routine — may refer to: * Routine, as a course of normative, standardized actions or procedures that are followed regularly, oftentimes repetitiously; * Choreographed routine, an orchestrated dance involving several performers; * Comedy routine, a comedic… …   Wikipedia

  • routine — Routine. s. f. Usage acquis par une longue habitude, sans le secours de l estude & des regles. Il n a jamais estudié à fond, mais il a acquis je ne sçay quelle routine de discourir, de parler. il fait cela par routine. il ne sçait point de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Routine — Sf std. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. routine, einer Ableitung von Route. Gemeint ist die Geschicklichkeit, die durch wiederkehrende Übung erworben wird, so wie der mehrfach begangene Weg geläufig wird. Adjektiv: routiniert.    Ebenso… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • routine — ► NOUN 1) a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed unvarying programme. 2) a set sequence in a theatrical or comic performance. ► ADJECTIVE 1) performed as part of a regular procedure: a routine inspection. 2) characteristic of routine;… …   English terms dictionary

  • routine — [ro͞o tēn′] n. [Fr < route: see ROUTE] 1. a regular, more or less unvarying procedure, customary, prescribed, or habitual, as of business or daily life 2. such procedure in general [to dislike routine] 3. a theatrical skit or act ☆ 4. a series …   English World dictionary

  • routine — (n.) 1670s, from Fr. routine usual course of action, beaten path from route way, path, course (see ROUTE (Cf. route)) + subst. suffix ine. Theatrical sense is from 1926. The adjective is attested from 1817, from the noun …   Etymology dictionary

  • routine — [adj] habitual accepted, accustomed, chronic, conventional, customary, everyday, familiar, general, methodical, normal, ordinary, periodic, plain, quotidian, regular, seasonal, standard, typical, unremarkable, usual, wonted, workaday; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • Routine — Rou*tine , n. [F., fr. route a path, way, road. See {Route}, {Rote}repetition.] 1. A round of business, amusement, or pleasure, daily or frequently pursued; especially, a course of business or offical duties regularly or frequently returning.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Routine — (fr., spr. Rutin), 1) Geschäftsfertigkeit, Geläufigkeit, Erfahrenheit; 2) eine mehr aus häufiger Übung in einer Kunst, als durch Studium ihrer Theorie u. Regeln erlangte Fertigkeit darin. Daher Routinier (spr. Rutinich), einer welcher viel R.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Routine — (franz., spr. ru ), auf Übung beruhende Gewandtheit und Fertigkeit; in der Theatersprache neuerdings mit dem Beigeschmack einer glänzenden, aber erstarrten Manier gebraucht. An Bord der Kriegsschiffe die Zeiteinteilung für den Dienst (daher Hafen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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