rotary shutter

rotary shutter
1) дисковый затвор
2) вращающийся обтюратор

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "rotary shutter" в других словарях:

  • rotary shutter — a camera shutter consisting of a rotating disk pierced with a slit that passes in front of the lens to expose the film or plate. * * * …   Universalium

  • rotary shutter — a camera shutter consisting of a rotating disk pierced with a slit that passes in front of the lens to expose the film or plate …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rotary disc shutter — part of the time. The other part of the time the mirror allows the light to pass on to the film. On simple cameras this shutter is fixed and usually semi circular. On more advanced cameras the shape of the shutter can be adjusted. This shutter… …   Wikipedia

  • Shutter (photography) — The 1911 Cyclopedia of Photography divides shutters into roller blind and diaphragm types, corresponding roughly to the modern focal plane and leaf types. In photography, a shutter is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of… …   Wikipedia

  • Focal-plane shutter — In camera design, a focal plane shutter is a type of photographic shutter that is positioned immediately in front of the focal plane of the camera, that is, right in front of the photographic film or image sensor. AdvantagesOne of the main… …   Wikipedia

  • Single-lens reflex camera — The single lens reflex (SLR) camera uses an automatic moving mirror system which permits the photographer to see exactly what will be captured by the film or digital imaging system, as opposed to non SLR cameras where the view through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot (camera) — Robot is a German imaging company most known for traffic surveillance (Traffipax), bank security and clockwork cameras.Originally created as a brand in 1934 of Otto Berning and Co its, since 1999, part of the JENOPTIK Gruppe of optical companies …   Wikipedia

  • History of the single-lens reflex camera — The history of the single lens reflex camera predates the invention of photography in 1826/27 by one and a half centuries with the use of a reflex mirror in a camera obscura first described in 1676. Such SLR devices were popular as drawing aids… …   Wikipedia

  • Olympus Pen — EE For other uses, see Pen (disambiguation). The Pen series is a family of half frame cameras made by Olympus from 1959 to the beginning of the 1980s, and from 2009. Aside from the Pen F series of half frame SLRs, they are fixed lens… …   Wikipedia

  • box camera — noun Date: 1902 a box shaped camera with a simple lens and rotary shutter …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • дисковый затвор фотоаппарата — дисковый затвор Затвор фотоаппарата, исполнительный элемент которого выполнен в виде одного или нескольких вращающихся дисков с отверстиями. [ГОСТ 18836 83] Тематики фотоаппараты, объективы, затворы Синонимы дисковый затвор EN rotary shutter DE… …   Справочник технического переводчика

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