rolling radius
Смотреть что такое "rolling radius" в других словарях:
rolling radius — The distance from the center of the tire s ground contact patch to the center of the wheel rim … Dictionary of automotive terms
radius — See buffered radius crown radius free radius loaded radius radius rods rolling radius scrub radius static loaded radius turning radius unloaded … Dictionary of automotive terms
radius — effective rolling radius flat tire radius loaded radius static loaded radius swing arm radius torque arm radius tread radius … Mechanics glossary
effective rolling radius — the ratio of the linear velocity of the wheel center in the x direction to the spin velocity. see tire axis system … Mechanics glossary
Rolling resistance — Figure 1 Hard wheel rolling on and deforming a soft surface, resulting in the reaction force from the surface having a component that opposes the motion. Rolling resistance, sometimes called rolling friction or rolling drag, is the… … Wikipedia
Rolling (metalworking) — A rolling schematic In metalworki … Wikipedia
Rolling ball — In topology, quantum mechanics and geometrodynamics, rolling ball arguments are used to describe how the perceived geometry and connectivity of a surface can be scale dependent.If a researcher probes the shape of an intricately curved surface by… … Wikipedia
Rolling-Ball-Rotation — Physikalische Interpretation der Rolling Ball Rotation Die Rolling Ball Rotation („Rotation des rollenden Balls“, auch Rollerball Rotation) ist eine Mensch Computer Interaktionstechnik, die es erlaubt, mit Hilfe eines normalen Zeigegeräts… … Deutsch Wikipedia
rolling resistance force — the negative longitudinal force resulting from energy losses due to deformations of a rolling tire. Note: this force can be computed from the forces and moments acting on the tire by the road. fr = (mycosy + mzsiny)/rl. Note: this rolling… … Mechanics glossary
Holiday Inn Rolling Meadows-Schaumburg Area — (Rolling Meadows,США) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес … Каталог отелей
static loaded radius — the loaded radius of a stationary tire inflated to normal recommended pressure. Note: in general, static loaded radius is different from the radius of slowly rolling tire. Static radius of a tire rolled into position may be different from that of … Mechanics glossary