- roll-off
спад (амплитудно-частотной характеристики )
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
roll-off — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: from roll off, v. 1. : a tendency of an airplane especially at high speed to lower one wing 2. : a gradual decrease in efficiency of transmission in a sound recording system with a rise or lowering of the frequency … Useful english dictionary
roll-off — /rohl awf , of /, n. 1. Electronics. the rate of loss or attenuation of a signal beyond a certain frequency. 2. Aeron. the tendency of an airplane to lower one wing under varying conditions of flight. [n. use of v. phrase roll off] * * * … Universalium
roll off — phr verb Roll off is used with these nouns as the object: ↑tongue … Collocations dictionary
roll-off — See tire roll off … Dictionary of automotive terms
Roll-on/roll-off — (RORO or ro ro) ships are ferries designed to carry wheeled cargo such as automobiles, trucks, semi trailer trucks, trailers or railroad cars. This is in contrast to lo lo (lift on lift off) vessels which use a crane to load and unload cargo.RORO … Wikipedia
roll on-roll off — ● roll on roll off nom masculin invariable (anglais roll on roll off, rouler dedans, rouler dehors) Synonyme de manutention par roulage. ● roll on roll off (synonymes) nom masculin invariable (anglais roll on roll off, rouler dedans, rouler… … Encyclopédie Universelle
roll-on roll-off — ˌroll on ˈroll off abbreviation RORO adjective roll on roll off ferry/ship/vessel etc TRANSPORT a ship that vehicles can drive straight on and off … Financial and business terms
roll-on, roll-off — UK US adjective [before noun] (UK TRANSPORT ► used to describe a ship built so that vehicles can drive directly on and off: »He runs a major car and roll on, roll off shipping and logistics company. »a roll on, roll off ferry … Financial and business terms
roll-on roll-off — adj [only before noun] BrE a roll on roll off ship is one that vehicles can drive straight on and off ▪ a roll on roll off car ferry … Dictionary of contemporary English
roll off the tongue — roll/trip/slip/off the tongue phrase to be easy to pronounce It’s not exactly a name that rolls off the tongue. Thesaurus: pronunciation and pronouncing wordssynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
Roll-on/Roll-off-Transport — Roll on/Roll off Trans|port 〈[roʊlɔ̣nroʊlɔ̣v ] m. 1〉 Beförderungsverfahren für sperrige od. schwere Güter, die auf Lkws geladen, mit diesen von Binnenschiffen aufgenommen u. weiterbefördert u. dann von den Lkws an den Bestimmungsort gebracht… … Universal-Lexikon