ripple-carry adder

ripple-carry adder
сумматор со сквозным переносом

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "ripple-carry adder" в других словарях:

  • Carry-lookahead adder — 4 bit adder with carry lookahead A carry lookahead adder (CLA) is a type of adder used in digital logic. A carry lookahead adder improves speed by reducing the amount of time required to determine carry bits. It can be contrasted with the simpler …   Wikipedia

  • Carry look-ahead adder — A carry look ahead adder is a type of adder used in digital logic. It can be contrasted with the simpler, but usually slower, ripple carry adder ( see adder for detail on ripple carry adders ). A ripple carry adder works in the same way as pencil …   Wikipedia

  • Carry-save adder — MotivationA carry save adder is a type of digital adder, used in computer microarchitecture to compute the sum of three or more n bit numbers in binary. It differs from other digital adders in that it outputs two numbers of the same dimensions as …   Wikipedia

  • Adder (electronics) — In electronics, an adder or summer is a digital circuit that performs addition of numbers.In modern computers adders reside in the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) where other operations are performed.Although adders can be constructed for many… …   Wikipedia

  • Carry select adder — In electronics, an adder is a combinatorial or sequential logic element which computes the n bit sum of two n bit numbers. The carry select adder is simple but rather fast, having a gate level depth of O(sqrt n).The Carry select adder generally… …   Wikipedia

  • Carry bypass adder — A carry bypass adder improves the delay of a ripple carry adder.The two addends are split in blocks of n bits. The output carry of each block is dependent on the input carry only if, for each of the n bits in the block, at least one addend has a… …   Wikipedia

  • Carry-Bypass-Adder — Das Addiernetz bildet aus den Summanden a3..0 und b3..0 die Summe s3..0, carry in und carry out ermöglichen die Kaskadierung des Schaltnetzes Das Addierwerk ist die Hauptkomponente des Rechenwerks einer CPU. Das Addierwerk ermöglicht die Addition …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Carry-Look-Ahead-Adder — Der Paralleladdierer mit Übertragsvorausberechnung bzw. Carry Look Ahead Addierer (kurz: CLA Addierer) ist ein elektronischer Baustein zur Addition mehrstelliger Binärzahlen (siehe auch Addierwerk). Der CLA Addierer addiert zwei n stellige… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Conditional Sum Adder — Der Conditional Sum Addierer (kurz: CSA) ist ein elektronischer Baustein zur Addition mehrstelliger Binärzahlen (siehe auch Addiernetz). Der CSA addiert zwei n stellige Binärzahlen, verfügt also über 2·n Eingänge. Da das Ergebnis einen etwaigen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Early completion — is a property of some classes of asynchronous circuit. It means that the output of a circuit may be available as soon as sufficient inputs have arrived to allow it to be determined. For example, if all of the inputs to a mux have arrived, and all …   Wikipedia

  • Canonical form (Boolean algebra) — In Boolean algebra, any Boolean function can be expressed in a canonical form using the dual concepts of minterms and maxterms. Minterms are called products because they are the logical AND of a set of variables, and maxterms are called sums… …   Wikipedia

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