ring-spinning spindle

ring-spinning spindle
кольцевое веретено

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "ring-spinning spindle" в других словарях:

  • Spinning mule — A pair of Condenser spinning mules. These have 741 spindles, being cut down from 133 feet (41 m) 1122 spindles they used to have up until the 24th Sept 1974, when they were retired from Elk Mill, Royton. The mule was built by Platt Brothers …   Wikipedia

  • Spinning wheel — For the computer animation commonly found on the Internet, see Spinning wheel (animation). For the Blood, Sweat Tears song, see Spinning Wheel (song). Irish spinning wheel around 1900 Library of Congress collection A spinning wheel is a device… …   Wikipedia

  • Spindle (textiles) — Eve spinning, the spindle in her right hand: Hunterian Psalter, ca 1170 (Glasgow University Library) …   Wikipedia

  • spinning frame — noun spinning machine that draws, twists, and winds yarn • Hypernyms: ↑spinning machine • Part Meronyms: ↑spindle * * * noun : a machine that draws, twists, and winds yarn compare mule …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cotton-spinning machinery — Cotton Manufacturing Processes (after Murray 1911) Bale Breaker Blowing Room …   Wikipedia

  • Open end spinning — or open end spinning is a technology for creating yarn without using a spindle. It was invented and developed in Czechoslovakia in Výzkumný ústav bavlnářský / Cotton Researching Institute in Ústí nad Orlicí in the year 1963. It is also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • mule spinning — a process of spinning that produces extremely fine yarn by drawing and twisting the roving, and winding the resultant yarn onto a bobbin or spindle in the form of a cop. Cf. ring spinning. [1815 25] * * * …   Universalium

  • mule spinning — a process of spinning that produces extremely fine yarn by drawing and twisting the roving, and winding the resultant yarn onto a bobbin or spindle in the form of a cop. Cf. ring spinning. [1815 25] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cotton mill — A cotton mill is a factory that houses spinning and weaving machinery. Typically built between 1775 and 1930, mills spun cotton which was an important product during the Industrial Revolution. Cotton mills, and the mechanisation of the spinning… …   Wikipedia

  • Distaff — Queen Berthe instructing girls to spin flax on spindles using distaffs, Albert Anker, 1888 …   Wikipedia

  • Niddy noddy — with a removable crossbar. A niddy noddy (plural niddy noddies [1]) is a tool used to make skeins from yarn. It consists of a central bar, with crossbars at each end, offset from each other by 90°. The central bar is generally carved to make it… …   Wikipedia

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