right deflection angle

right deflection angle
правый горизонтальный угол (теодолитного хода)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "right deflection angle" в других словарях:

  • deflection angle — i. In surveying, a horizontal angle measured from the prolongation of the preceding line to the following line. Deflection angles to the right are positive; those to the left are negative. ii. In photogrammetry, a vertical angle, measured in the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • angle — Synonyms and related words: Anschauung, L, action, aim, anagnorisis, angle for, angle of vision, angle off, apex, approach, architectonics, architecture, argument, aspect, atmosphere, background, bait the hook, base, basis, be after, bear off,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Electrostatic deflection — refers to a technique for modifying the path of a stream of charged particles by the use of an electric field applied transverse to the path of the particles.The Lorentz force acts on any charged particle in an electromagnetic field.… …   Wikipedia

  • Camber angle — From the front of the car, a right wheel with a negative camber angle …   Wikipedia

  • Tangent of an angle — Tangent Tan gent, n. [L. tangens, entis, p. pr. of tangere to touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf. {Attain}, {Contaminate}, {Contingent}, {Entire}, {Tact}, {Taste}, {Tax}, v. t.] (Geom.) A tangent line curve, or surface;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Schiehallion experiment — Schiehallion s isolated position and symmetrical shape lent well to the experiment The Schiehallion experiment was an 18th century experiment to determine the mean density of the Earth. Funded by a grant from the …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational lensing formalism — In general relativity, a point mass deflects a light ray with impact parameter b by an angle hat{alpha} = frac{4GM}{c^2b}. A naïve application of Newtonian gravity can yield exactly half this value, where the light ray is assumed as a massed… …   Wikipedia

  • Shock wave — Bombshock redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Micromasters#Bombshock. For other uses, see shockwave. Schlieren photograph of an attached shock on a sharp nosed supersonic body. A shock wave (also called shock front or simply shock …   Wikipedia

  • Rutherford scattering — In physics, Rutherford scattering is a phenomenon that was explained by Ernest Rutherford in 1911,[1] and led to the development of the Rutherford model (planetary model) of the atom, and eventually to the Bohr model. It is now exploited by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Coulomb collision — A Coulomb collision is a binary elastic collision between two charged particles interacting through their own Electric Field. As with any inverse square law, the resulting trajectories of the colliding particles is a hyperbolic Keplerian orbit.… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic method — The dynamic method is a procedure for the determination of the masses of asteroids. The procedure gets its name from its use of the Newtonian laws of the dynamics, or motion, of asteroids as they move around the solar system. The procedure works… …   Wikipedia

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