bead ring
Смотреть что такое "bead ring" в других словарях:
Captive bead ring — A captive bead ring (CBR) (also ball closure ring , captive hoop , or less frequently captive ball ring ) is a common example of body piercing jewelry.The captive bead or ball fits into a small opening in the circle of the ring. The bead is… … Wikipedia
Bead breaker — A bead breaker is a tool used for separating tires from rims. The inside ring of the tire is called the lip, and the bead on the lip seals to the rim in a radial ply tire trapping air inside. Often, the bead can become frozen to the rim after… … Wikipedia
bead — i. A rounded ridge at the end of a tube for carrying fluids into aircraft. ii. The high strength carbon steel wire bundles that give strength and stiffness to aircraft tires. iii. The unwanted ridge of filler metal that sticks up above the… … Aviation dictionary
ring and bead sight — A rudimentary gun sight in which the pilot or aimer aligns the target with a bead foresight and the correct part of the ring back sight for the required aim off … Aviation dictionary
bead core — The ring of steel wires in the tire s bead. Also called bead wires … Dictionary of automotive terms
bead — Synonyms and related words: anklet, armlet, ball, balloon, bangle, beads, bejewel, beribbon, bespangle, bijou, bracelet, breastpin, brooch, chain, chaplet, charm, chatelaine, circle, conglobulate, coronet, crown, dewdrop, diadem, diamond, drop,… … Moby Thesaurus
Seed bead — This article is about glass beads. For information related to Teflon seed beads , see Polytetrafluoroethylene. Seed beads Seed beads are uniformly shaped, spheroidal beads ranging in size from under a millimeter to several millimeters. Seed bead… … Wikipedia
Captive Bead — Ball Closure Ring Spreizzange zum Öffnen des Rings Ein Ball Closure Ring (BCR) Klemmkugelring , auch Captive Bead genannt ist ein klassischer Schmuckring, der beim Bodypie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ball Closure Ring — Spreizzange zum Öffnen des Rings … Deutsch Wikipedia
Diamond ring effect — Diamond Ring The diamond ring effect is a feature of total solar eclipses. Just before the sun disappears or just after it emerges from behind the moon, the rugged lu … Wikipedia
Ferrite bead — A ferrite bead is a passive electric component used to suppress high frequency noise in electronic circuits. Ferrite beads employ the mechanism of high dissipation of high frequency currents in a ferrite to build high frequency noise suppression… … Wikipedia