
служба радионавигации

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "beaconry" в других словарях:

  • beaconry — bea·con·ry …   English syllables

  • beaconry — ˈbēkənrē noun ( es) : the technique of using radio beacons …   Useful english dictionary

  • foreign instrumentation signals intelligence — Technical information and intelligence derived from the intercept of foreign electromagnetic emissions associated with the testing and operational deployment of non US aerospace, surface, and subsurface systems. Foreign instrumentation signals… …   Military dictionary

  • Foreign instrumentation signals intelligence — In telecommunication, the term foreign instrumentation signals intelligence (FISINT) has the following meanings: 1. Intelligence information derived from electromagnetic emissions associated with the testing and operational deployment of foreign… …   Wikipedia

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