reverse(d) image

reverse(d) image
1) негативное изображение, негатив
2) перевёрнутое изображение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "reverse(d) image" в других словарях:

  • Reverse painting on glass — is an art form consisting of applying paint to a piece of glass and then viewing the image by turning the glass over and looking through the glass at the image. This art form has been around for many years. A number of clock faces were created… …   Wikipedia

  • Reverse video — (or invert video ) is a computer display technique wherein the background and text colour values are swapped, like this. On older computers, it was sometimes used on specific letters, words or phrases to highlight them.Usually this is done by… …   Wikipedia

  • Reverse Standards Conversion — or RSC is a process developed by the BBC for the restoration of video recordings which have already been converted between different video standards using early conversion techniques. Historical justifications for its use Many programs produced… …   Wikipedia

  • Image warping — is the process of digitally manipulating an image such that any shapes portrayed in the image have been significantly distorted. Warping may be used for correcting image distortion as well as for creative purposes (e.g., morphing [Beier, Thaddeus …   Wikipedia

  • Image scanner — Desktop scanner, with the lid raised. An object has been laid on the glass, ready for scanning …   Wikipedia

  • reverse — reversedly /ri verr sid lee, verrst lee/, adv. reversely, adv. reverser, n. /ri verrs /, adj., n., v., reversed, reversing. adj. 1. opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character: an impression reverse to what was intended; in… …   Universalium

  • reverse — 01. I didn t realize the car was in [reverse], and I accidentally backed into the wall. 02. Korea s strong economic growth this past year has been a welcome [reversal] of the downward trend of the past few years. 03. In sentences using the… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • reverse image — apverstasis vaizdas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. inverted image; reverse image vok. Kehrbild, n; umgekehrtes Bild, n rus. перевёрнутое изображение, n pranc. image inverse, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • reverse — re•verse [[t]rɪˈvɜrs[/t]] adj. n. v. versed, vers•ing 1) opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character 2) with the back or rear part toward the observer: the reverse side of a fabric[/ex] 3) mac mec pertaining to or producing… …   From formal English to slang

  • Reverse pinch — A reverse pinch (sometimes also called “unpinch”) refers to a motion used to interact with multipoint touch screen interfaces, such as that employed on the Apple Inc. iPhone device [ ] . The motion involves spreading… …   Wikipedia

  • Reverse perspective — On the left the perspective of a cube, on the right the reverse perspective.Reverse perspective, also called inverse perspective or Byzantine perspective, is a technique of perspective drawing where the further the objects are, the larger they… …   Wikipedia

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