- reversal print
обращённая фильмокопия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Reversal film — A single slide, showing a color transparency in a plastic frame A slide projector, showing the l … Wikipedia
Chromogenic color print — Chromogenic color prints are full color photographic prints made using chromogenic materials and processes. These prints may be produced from an original which is a color negative, slide, or digital image. The chromogenic print process, was… … Wikipedia
Type R print — A Type R print refers to a positive to positive photographic print made on reversal type color photographic paper.Fujifilm, Kodak, and Agfa have historically manufactured paper and chemicals for the R 3 process, a chromogenic process for making… … Wikipedia
Sound Print — F/A/V Any positive sound track print which is obtained by printing from a sound negative, or direct positive recording. or by the reversal process from another negative … Audio and video glossary
Photographic printing — is the process of producing a final image for viewing, usually on chemically processed sensitized paper, from a previously prepared photographic negative, from a positive transparency or slide, or a digital image file. Printing from a Negative… … Wikipedia
photography, technology of — Introduction equipment, techniques, and processes used in the production of photographs. The most widely used photographic process is the black and white negative–positive system (Figure 1 >). In the camera the lens projects an image of… … Universalium
List of motion picture film stocks — This is a list of motion picture camera films. Those films known to no longer be available have been marked as (DISCONTINUED) . This article includes color and black and white negative films, reversal camera films, intermediate stocks, and print… … Wikipedia
Photographic film — This article is mainly concerned with still photography film. For motion picture film, please see film stock. Photographic film is a sheet of plastic (polyester, nitrocellulose or cellulose acetate) coated with an emulsion containing light… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Film speed — is the measure of a photographic film s sensitivity to light, determined by sensitometry and measured on various numerical scales, the most recent being the ISO system. A closely related ISO system is used to measure the sensitivity of digital… … Wikipedia
Photographic developer — In the processing of photographic films, plates or papers, the photographic developer (or just developer) is a chemical that makes the latent image on the film or print visible. It does this by reducing the silver halides that have been exposed… … Wikipedia