- rev
реверсирование, изменение направления на обратное
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Rev — may refer to: *Şəlvə, Khojali, a village in Armenian occupied Azerbaijan *Rev., an abbreviation for revolutions, as in revolutions per minute *Rev., the abbreviation for the honorary prefix The Reverend *Rev., the abbreviation for Runtime… … Wikipedia
REV — steht für: Iomega REV, ein System für Datensicherung Regulator of Expression of Virion Proteins, ein Teil von Lentiviren Réseau Express Vaudois, eine geplante S Bahn um den Genfersee REV Bremerhaven, ein Eishockey und Rollsportverein aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rev — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français
Rev — Rev, (für die Mehrzahl: Revs.), in England und Amerika gebräuchliche Abkürzung für Reverend (lat. reverendus, »ehrwürdig«), Titel der Geistlichen, Very Rev. der Deans (Superintendenten), Right Rev. der Bischöfe, Most Rev. der Erzbischöfe … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Rev It Up — Album par Vixen Sortie Juillet 1990 Enregistrement 1988 Durée 51:58 Genre Glam Metal Label … Wikipédia en Français
rev — /rev/, n., v., revved, revving. Informal. n. 1. a revolution (in an engine or the like). v.t. 2. to accelerate sharply the speed of (an engine or the like) (often fol. by up). v.i. 3. (of an engine) to accelerate; become revved (often fol. by up) … Universalium
Rev. — Rev. 〈Abk. für〉 Reverend * * * Rev. = Reverend. * * * Rev. = Reverend … Universal-Lexikon
Rev — BrE Rev. AmE also Revd BrE Reverend a title used before the name of a minister of the Christian church ▪ Rev D Macleod … Dictionary of contemporary English
rev up — {v. phr.}, {informal}, {slang} 1. To press down sharply several times on the accelerator of an idling car in order to get maximum acceleration. * /The race driver revved up his car by pumping his accelerator./ 2. To get oneself ready in order to… … Dictionary of American idioms
rev up — {v. phr.}, {informal}, {slang} 1. To press down sharply several times on the accelerator of an idling car in order to get maximum acceleration. * /The race driver revved up his car by pumping his accelerator./ 2. To get oneself ready in order to… … Dictionary of American idioms
rev'd — abbrreversed Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary