- bcc
сокр. от body-centered cubicобъёмно-центрированный кубический (о кристаллической решетке)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
BCC — Тип Закрытое акционерное общество … Википедия
BCC — may refer to:Economics* Banque Centrale des Comores, the central bank of the Comoros * Banco Central de Cuba, the central bank of Cuba * Banque Centrale du Congo, the central bank of the Democratic Republic of the Congo * Bamburi Cement, *… … Wikipedia
Bcc — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français
BCC — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda BCC puede referirse a: Banco Central de Cuba Biblioteca Central de Cantabria Blind Carbon Copy, forma inglesa de Copia de Carbón Oculta Bolsa de Comercio de Córdoba Border Crossing Card Brunstad Conference Center… … Wikipedia Español
BCC — BCC Британская торговая палата Словарь терминов и сокращений рынка forex, Forex EuroClub … Финансовый словарь
BCC — (Basal cell carcinoma) n. common form of skin cancer malignant tumor (usually doesn t metastasizes) in which the cancer cells look like the basal cells of the epidermis and is found on the face and neck where the skin is exposed to ultraviolet… … English contemporary dictionary
BCC — Abreviatura de bloqueo cardíaco completo. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
BCC — [Abk. für Blind Carbon Copy, dt. »Blinddurchschlag«], CC … Universal-Lexikon
bcc — sigla ES ingl. blind courtesy copy, copia di cortesia nascosta, in informatica, utility presente nei programmi di posta elettronica che permette a un utente di inviare un messaggio a un destinatario senza informarne gli altri destinatari … Dizionario italiano
bcc — blind carbon copy used in an ↑email to show that you are sending someone a copy of a message that you have also sent to someone else, and that this person does not know that other people will also receive the message … Dictionary of contemporary English
bcc — abbrev. blind carbon copy … English World dictionary