- retake
кфт.1) пересъемка, повторная съёмка || переснимать2) переснятый кадр
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Retake — Re*take , v. t. 1. To take or receive again. [1913 Webster] 2. To take from a captor; to recapture; as, to retake a ship or prisoners. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
retake — index attach (seize), reclaim, recoup (regain), recover, rescue Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
retake — (v.) mid 15c., to take back, from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + TAKE (Cf. take) (v.). Meaning to recapture is recorded from 1640s; sense of to record a second time is attested from 1962 … Etymology dictionary
retake — (izg. ritȇjk) m DEFINICIJA film. ponovno snimanje istoga kadra ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ≃ re + take: snimka, snimiti … Hrvatski jezični portal
retake — ► VERB (past retook; past part. retaken) 1) take (a test or examination) again. 2) regain possession of. ► NOUN 1) a test or examination that is retaken. 2) an instance of filming a scene or recording a piece of music again … English terms dictionary
retake — [rē tāk′; ] for n. [ rē′tāk΄] vt. retook, retaken, retaking 1. to take again, take back, or recapture ☆ 2. to photograph again n. 1. a retaking ☆ 2. a film or video scene rephotographed or to be rephotographed … English World dictionary
retake — I UK [ˌriːˈteɪk] / US [ˌrɪˈteɪk] verb [transitive] Word forms retake : present tense I/you/we/they retake he/she/it retakes present participle retaking past tense retook UK [ˌriːˈtʊk] / US [ˌrɪˈtʊk] past participle retaken UK [ˌriːˈteɪkən] / US… … English dictionary
retake — re|take1 [ ,ri teık ] (past tense re|took [ ,ri tuk ] ; past participle re|tak|en [ ,ri teıkən ] ) verb transitive 1. ) to take control of a place again using military force: Soldiers came to retake the village. 2. ) to photograph or record… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
retake — retakes, retaking, retook, retaken (The verb is pronounced [[t]riːte͟ɪk[/t]]. The noun is pronounced [[t]ri͟ːteɪk[/t]].) 1) VERB If a military force retakes a place or building which it has lost in a war or battle, it captures it again. [V n]… … English dictionary
Retake — Re|take 〈[ri:tɛık] n. 15〉 Neu , Nachaufnahme (einer nichtgelungenen Filmszene) [engl., „Neuaufnahme“, eigtl. „wiedernehmen“] * * * Re|take [ri teɪk], das; [s], s <meist Pl.> [engl. retake, zu: to retake = wieder an , ein , aufnehmen] (Film) … Universal-Lexikon
retake — re|take1 [ˌri:ˈteık] v past tense retook [ ˈtuk ] past participle retaken [ ˈteıkən] [T] 1.) to get control of an area again in a war = ↑recapture ▪ an attempt to retake the city 2.) to take an examination again because you have previously failed … Dictionary of contemporary English