- resultant vector
результирующий вектор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
resultant vector — atstojamasis vektorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. resultant vector vok. resultierender Vektor, m rus. результирующий вектор, m pranc. résultante, f; vecteur somme, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
vector sum — noun a vector that is the sum of two or more other vectors • Syn: ↑resultant • Derivationally related forms: ↑resultant (for: ↑resultant) • Hypernyms: ↑vector * * * … Useful english dictionary
vector analysis — the branch of calculus that deals with vectors and processes involving vectors. * * * ▪ mathematics Introduction a branch of mathematics that deals with quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Some physical and geometric… … Universalium
Vector — In medicine, a vector is a carrier. The best way to understand a vector is to recall its origin as a word. Vector is the Latin word for a bearer. In parasitology (the study of parasitic organisms), the vector carries the parasitic agent. For… … Medical dictionary
resultant air velocity vector — the vector difference of the ambient wind velocity vector and the projection of the velocity vector of the vehicle on the x y plane … Mechanics glossary
resultant — /ri zul tnt/, adj. 1. that results; following as a result or consequence. 2. resulting from the combination of two or more agents: a resultant force. n. 3. Math., Physics. See vector sum. 4. Math. a determinant the entries of which are the… … Universalium
resultant — /rəˈzʌltənt/ (say ruh zultuhnt) adjective 1. that results; following as a result or consequence. 2. resulting from the combination of two or more agents: a resultant force. –noun 3. Physics a vector, e.g. force, velocity, etc., equal in result or …
vector — a mathematical entity having a magnitude and a direction in space. Burgers vector resultant air velocity vector … Mechanics glossary
vector sum — noun The vector whose initial and final points are those of a series of other vectors laid end to end. Syn: resultant … Wiktionary
resultant — 1. adjective following as a result or consequence of something 2. noun a) anything that results from something else; an outcome b) a vector that is the vector sum of multiple ve … Wiktionary
resultant — I. adjective Date: 1639 derived from or resulting from something else • resultantly adverb II. noun Date: 1815 something that results ; outcome; specifically the single vector that is the sum of a given set of vectors … New Collegiate Dictionary