- resin flux
канифольный флюс
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Flux (metallurgy) — Rosin used as flux for soldering A flux pen used f … Wikipedia
Electric charge — SI symbol: Q SI quantity dimension: Q SI unit: coulomb other units: e Derivations from other quantities: Q = I · … Wikipedia
Mdvanii — was originally conceived as a conceptual art and fashion doll for adults (and particularly art, fashion and doll collectors) by artist BillyBoy*.[1] Since 1990 it has known to have been a collaboration with his life partner, artist Jean Pierre… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Magnet — This article is about objects and devices that produce magnetic fields. For a description of magnetic materials, see magnetism. For other uses, see Magnet (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Rosin — For other uses, see Rosin (disambiguation). A cake of rosin, made for use by violinists, used here for soldering . Rosin, also called colophony or Greek pitch (Pix græca), is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly … Wikipedia
Glass ionomer cement — A Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) is one of a class of materials commonly used in dentistry as filling materials and luting cements. These materials are based on the reaction of silicate glass powder and polyalkeonic acid. These tooth coloured… … Wikipedia
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
Transformer — This article is about the electrical device. For the toy line franchise, see Transformers. For other uses, see Transformer (disambiguation). Pole mounted distribution transformer with center tapped secondary winding. This type of transformer is… … Wikipedia
Faraday's law of induction — For the relationship between a time varying magnetic field and an induced electric field, see Maxwell s equations. Electromagnetism … Wikipedia
electromagnetism — /i lek troh mag ni tiz euhm/, n. 1. the phenomena associated with electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with each other and with electric charges and currents. 2. Also, electromagnetics. the science that deals with these phenomena.… … Universalium