- reset circuit
схема возврата; схема установки на "0"; схема сброса
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
circuit breaker — cir cuit break er, n. (Elec.) A device contained within an electrical circuit designed to interrupt the circuit when the current exceeds a preset value; it is sometimes called a {contact breaker}. Its function is to prevent fire or damage to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Circuit breaker — For other uses, see Circuit breaker (disambiguation). An air circuit breaker for low voltage (less than 1000 volts) power distribution switchgear … Wikipedia
Reset button — In electronics and technology, a reset button is a button that can reset a device. On video game consoles, the reset button restarts the game, losing the player s unsaved progress. On computers, the reset button clears the memory and reboots the… … Wikipedia
reset — transitive verb ( set; setting) Date: 1628 1. to set again or anew < reset type > < reset a diamond > < reset a circuit breaker > 2. to change the reading of often to zero < reset an odometer > • reset … New Collegiate Dictionary
reset button — noun a push button that you press to activate the reset mechanism • Hypernyms: ↑push button, ↑push, ↑button • Part Holonyms: ↑reset * * * reset button, 1. a switch used to restore electrical current to a machine after interruption by an internal… … Useful english dictionary
circuit breaker — A device that takes the place of a fixed fuse in an electrical circuit. In the event of an overload, the circuit breaker “pops out” it can be reset by pushing it in. Normally referred to by its short form, CB … Aviation dictionary
Bascule (circuit logique) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bascule. Une bascule est un circuit logique capable, dans certaines circonstances, de maintenir les valeurs de ses sorties malgré les changements de valeurs d entrées. On appellera plus loin verrous les bascules… … Wikipédia en Français
Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language — VHDL VHDL est un langage de description matériel destiné à représenter le comportement ainsi que l architecture d’un système électronique numérique. Son nom complet est VHSIC[1] Hardware Description Language. L intérêt d une telle description… … Wikipédia en Français
Power-on reset — A power on reset (PoR) generator is a microcontroller or microprocessor peripheral that generates a reset signal when power is applied to the device. It ensures that the device starts operating in a known state.In VLSI devices, the power on reset … Wikipedia
Supervisory circuit — Supervisory circuits are combinations of semiconductor devices that detect and monitor voltage levels in power supplies, microprocessors, and other systems. They are protection circuits that monitor one or more system parameters. When parameter… … Wikipedia
Integrated Circuit Card — Vorder und Rückseite einer EC Karte mit Chip und Magnetstreifen Chipkarte Chipkarten, oft auch als Smartcard oder Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) bezeichnet, sind spez … Deutsch Wikipedia