- rescue buoy
1) спасательный буй2) спасательная беседка (для снятия людей с аварийного судна)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Rescue buoy — A rescue buoy or rescue tube is an essential part of the equipment that must be carried by lifeguards. The Rescue tube is a long foam flotation device that, when needed, can help support the victims and rescuers weight to make a rescue easier.… … Wikipedia
rescue buoy — noun : breeches buoy … Useful english dictionary
Rescue Heroes — is a line of toys from Fisher Price that was introduced in 1999. Rescue Heroes depicts various rescue personnel and their equipment. An animated television series has also been developed with the line of toys, spanning one season on CBS (1999… … Wikipedia
Tube Rescue — In IRB racing, Tube Rescue is a competitive event that simulates the act of rescuing a patient with the use of a flexible foam rescue tube.It consists of a driver, crewperson, and patient. In this race, two buoy s are positioned 25 metres apart… … Wikipedia
Mass Rescue — In IRB racing, Mass Rescue is a competitive event that simulates a rescue in which more than one patient. is in trouble. Hence, it requires more than one trip back to the buoy to complete the rescue.The Mass Rescue consists of two patient pickups … Wikipedia
Surf Rescue — In IRB racing, Surf Rescue is a competitive event requiring only one driver, a crew and the patient. This race simulates the most basic form of rescue, that is to pick up a single patient in trouble.The race starts with the boat positioned on the … Wikipedia
USCG Coastal Buoy Tender — Joshua Appleby WLM 556 USCG Coa … Wikipedia
USCG Seagoing Buoy Tender — The Seagoing Buoy Tender is a type of U.S. Coast Guard cutter originally designed to service aids to navigation, throughout the waters of the United States, and wherever U.S. shipping interests require. The Coast Guard has maintained a fleet of… … Wikipedia
Diver rescue — Beaching a casualty while providing artificial respiration Diver rescue, following an accident, is the process of avoiding or limiting further exposure to diving hazards and bringing a SCUBA diver to safety.[1] A safe place is often a place where … Wikipedia
Breeches buoy — A breeches buoy is a crude rope based rescue device used to extract people from wrecked vessels, or to transfer people from one location to another in situations of danger. The device resembles a round emergency personal flotation device with a… … Wikipedia
breeches buoy — noun Date: 1880 a canvas seat in the form of breeches hung from a life buoy running on a hawser and used to haul persons from one ship to another or from ship to shore especially in rescue operations … New Collegiate Dictionary