- reproduced image
1) репродуцированное изображение2) воспроизведённое изображение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Reproduced image — Репродуцированное изображение; изображение, отпечатанное фотографическим способом … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Image Comics — Infobox Company company name = Image Comics company company type = Comic publisher company slogan = foundation = 1992 key people = Todd McFarlane Rob Liefeld Jim Lee Marc Silvestri Erik Larsen Jim Valentino Whilce Portacio Robert Kirkman location … Wikipedia
Image of Edessa — Mandylion redirects here. For the album of the band The Gathering, see Mandylion (album). According to the legend, King Abgar received the Image of Edessa, a likeness of Jesus. According to Christian legend, the Image of Edessa was a holy relic… … Wikipedia
Image copyright (Germany) — In Germany, photo rights or Bildrechte are the copyrights that are attached to the author of the photograph and are specified in the Law for Copyright and similar Protection ( Gesetz über Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte [… … Wikipedia
Divine Mercy image — The Divine Mercy painting by Adolf Hyla (1943). The Polish inscription at the bottom reads: Jesus, I trust in you The Divine Mercy image is a depiction of Jesus based on the devotion initiated by Saint Faustina Kowalska. The image has been… … Wikipedia
Disk image — CD image redirects here. For ISO 9660 image files, see ISO image. A disk image is a single file or storage device containing the complete contents and structure representing a data storage medium or device, such as a hard drive, tape drive,… … Wikipedia
Boot image — A boot image is a type of disk image (a computer file containing the complete contents and structure of a Computer storage media). When it is transferred onto a boot device it allows the associated hardware to boot.This usually includes the… … Wikipedia
Guerrillero Heroico — Alberto Korda s famous photograph of Che Guevara … Wikipedia
Che Guevara (photo) — Cquote2|If this were a photo session, you couldn t have asked for more. The model, long haired with steely gaze and wispy guerrillero beard. Jacket zipped to the chin. Collar up and hair uncombed. Jaw set in anger. Beret at a perfect, rakish tilt … Wikipedia
Optical transfer function — The optical transfer function (OTF) of an imaging system (camera, video system, microscope etc) is the true measure of resolution (image sharpness) that the system is capable of. The common practice of defining resolution in terms of pixel count… … Wikipedia
Gamma correction — Gamma correction, gamma nonlinearity, gamma encoding, or often simply gamma, is the name of a nonlinear operation used to code and decode luminance or tristimulus values in video or still image systems. [cite book | title = Digital Video and HDTV … Wikipedia