
1) представление; отображение
2) задание (функции)
3) обозначение
4) изображение; воспроизведение
representation in a system of numeration — представление (числа) в системе счисления
analog representation
array representation
binary-coded representation
binary representation
binary-coded decimal representation
boundary representation
character representation
circuit representation
coded representation
complex plane representation
data representation
decimal representation
declarative representation
digital representation
discrete representation
external representation
feature representation
finite representation
fixed-point representation
floating-point representation
frequency-domain representation
geometric representation
graphical representation
graphic representation
hardware representation
hexadecimal representation
iconic representation
incremental representation
input representation
knowledge representation
Laplace representation
linear representation
list representation
machine representation
moving average representation
number representation
numerical representation
numeric representation
octal representation
output representation
parametric representation
physical representation
pictorial representation
positional representation
procedural representation
reference representation
skeleton representation
spectral representation
tensor representation
time-domain representation
time representation
trigonometric representation
vector representation

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "representation" в других словарях:

  • représentation — [ r(ə)prezɑ̃tasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1250; lat. repræsentatio, de repræsentare I ♦ Action de mettre devant les yeux ou devant l esprit de qqn. 1 ♦ Vx ou dr. Production, présentation. Représentation d acte (pouvant servir de titre ou de preuve). ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Representation — Représentation Pour les articles homonymes, voir représentation (homonymie). La représentation désigne étymologiquement l « Action de replacer devant les yeux de quelqu un ». [1] Cette notion d origine latine garde tout son sens… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • representation — rep‧re‧sen‧ta‧tion [ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʆn] noun 1. [uncountable] when someone else speaks for you: • There has been a decline in union representation in the auto industry. ˌboard represenˈtation when the heads of particular departments or groups… …   Financial and business terms

  • representation — rep·re·sen·ta·tion n 1: one that represents: as a: a statement or account made to influence opinion or action compare warranty 3 b: an incidental or collateral statement of fact on the faith of which a contract is entered into the contract of… …   Law dictionary

  • representation — Representation. s. f. v. Exhibition, exposition devant les yeux. Il intervint un Arrest qui ordonnoit la representation des titres, la representation des titres en original. on le mit la garde d un Huissier qu on chargea de la representation de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Representation — can refer to:* Representation (politics), one s ability to influence the political process * Representative democracy * Representation (arts), the depiction and ethical concerns of construction in visual arts and literature. * Representation… …   Wikipedia

  • Representation — Rep re*sen*ta tion ( z?n t? sh?n), n. [F. repr?sentation, L. representatio.] 1. The act of representing, in any sense of the verb. [1913 Webster] 2. That which represents. Specifically: (a) A likeness, a picture, or a model; as, a representation… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • representation — refers to the way in which images and texts reconstruct, rather than reflect, the original sources they represent. Thus a painting, photograph, or written text about a tree is never an actual tree, but the reconstruction of what it seemed to be… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • representation — Representation, Repraesentatio. Representation de quelque chose, Idolum idoli. Representation et imitation de la personne d autruy, Hypocrisis. La representation d une farce, Actio fabulae. Belle representation et apparence de maison, Dignitas… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • representation — représentation фр. [рэпрэзантасьо/н] representation англ. [рэпризэнте/йшн] 1) изображение 2) представление (театральное) …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • représentation — фр. [рэпрэзантасьо/н] representation англ. [рэпризэнте/йшн] 1) изображение 2) представление (театральное) …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

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