removable plug
Смотреть что такое "removable plug" в других словарях:
plug|board — «PLUHG BRD, BOHRD», noun. 1. a switchboard in which the connections are made by inserting plugs. 2. a removable panel with many electric terminals into which connecting wire cords may be plugged to control a program or other process in a computer … Useful english dictionary
Plug-in hybrid — The Chevrolet Volt is the first mass production plug in hybrid available in the United States. A plug in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), plug in hybrid vehicle (PHV), or plug in hybrid is a hybrid vehicle which utilizes rechargeable batteries, or … Wikipedia
plug — A removable cork or stopper which fills a hole. See blanking plug coil glow plug cold plug core hole plug core plugs drain plug drain plug key drain plug spanner drain plug wrench … Dictionary of automotive terms
freeze plug — A removable plug on the block which can pop out should the coolant in the block freezes and expands. See expansion plug. The British term is core plug … Dictionary of automotive terms
drain plug — A removable plug in the lowest part of a liquid container. The plug is removed to drain the liquid … Aviation dictionary
air plug — noun : a removable plug screwed into a watertight manhole or scuttle cover * * * a plug making an airtight seal to a vent … Useful english dictionary
boat plug — noun : a wood or metal plug stopping up the drainage hole near the keel of a boat and removable when the boat is dry docked to drain out bilge water … Useful english dictionary
separable attachment plug — noun : an attachment plug having a removable cap … Useful english dictionary
Apollo Command/Service Module — Apollo CSM The Apollo 15 CSM in lunar orbit Description Role: Earth and Lunar Orbit Crew: 3; CDR, CM pilot, LM pilot Dimensions Height: 36.2 ft 11.03 m … Wikipedia
Cigarette lighter receptacle — 12 volt cigar lighter plug. Metal and plastic sockets The cigare … Wikipedia
obturator — 1. Any structure that occludes an opening. 2. Denoting the o. foramen, the o. membrane, or any of several parts in relation to this foramen. 3. A prosthesis used to close an opening of the hard palate, usually a cleft palate … Medical dictionary