- remote service
дистанционное обслуживание
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Remote Service — (von engl. remote, „entfernt, fern” und service, „Dienst”) ist ein Verfahren, über das technische Dienstleistungen mit Hilfe von Telekommunikationsnetzwerken an einem entfernten Ort erbracht werden. Das Hauptaugenmerk bei Remote Service liegt auf … Deutsch Wikipedia
Remote Service Software — is used by equipment manufacturers to remotely monitor, access and repair products in use at customer sites. It’s a secure, auditable gateway for service teams to troubleshoot problems, perform proactive maintenance, assist with user operations… … Wikipedia
Remote Installation Services — (kurz: RIS; deutsch: Remoteinstallationsdienste) sind ein optionaler Bestandteil von Microsoft Windows 2000 und Microsoft Windows Server 2003, mit dem Speicherabbilder von Betriebssystemen oder vollständigen Computerkonfigurationen einschließlich … Deutsch Wikipedia
Remote Desktop Protocol — (RDP) is a multi channel protocol that allows a user to connect to a computer running Microsoft Terminal Services. Clients exist for most versions of Windows (including handheld versions), and other operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD,… … Wikipedia
Remote Installation Services — is a Microsoft supplied server that allows PXE BIOS enabled computers to remotely execute boot environment variables.BackgroundAt boot time, a workstation that has been set to boot from PXE will issue a BOOTP request via the network. Once the… … Wikipedia
Remote Desktop Services — Developer(s) Microsoft Stable release 7.0 (6.1.7600) / October 27, 2009 … Wikipedia
Remote deposit — refers to the ability to deposit a check into a bank account from a remote location, such as an office or home, without having to physically deliver the check to the bank. This is typically accomplished by scanning a digital image of a check into … Wikipedia
Remote sensing (archaeology) — Remote sensing techniques in archaeology are an increasingly important component of the technical and methodological tool set available in archaeological research. Rindfuss,Ronald R and Stern, Paul C. Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science:… … Wikipedia
Remote Access Service — Remote Access Services (RAS) refers to any combination of hardware and software to enable the remote access to tools or information that typically reside on a network of IT devices. Originally coined by Microsoft when referring to their built in… … Wikipedia
Service Control Manager — (SCM) (WindowsSystem32Services.exe) в Microsoft Windows, сервер, реализующий технологию удалённого вызова процедур (remote procedure call RPC). Обеспечивает создание, удаление, запуск и остановку сервисов ОС. Стартует при загрузке… … Википедия
Remote viewing — (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and… … Wikipedia