- regenerating
1) регенерация, восстановление2) эл. режим динамического торможения; работа при торможении в генераторном режиме
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
regenerating — adjective that are generating anew (Freq. 1) regenerating fibers • Participle of verb: ↑regenerate … Useful english dictionary
regenerating — re·gen·er·ate || rɪ dÊ’enÉ™reɪt v. renew, restore to good condition; form again, re create; be renewed, be restored to good condition … English contemporary dictionary
self-regenerating — adjective Having an ability or capable of regenerating oneself or itself … Wiktionary
REG1A — Regenerating islet derived 1 alpha (pancreatic stone protein, pancreatic thread protein), also known as REG1A, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: REG1A regenerating islet derived 1 alpha (pancreatic stone protein, pancreatic thread… … Wikipedia
REG1B — Regenerating islet derived 1 beta (pancreatic stone protein, pancreatic thread protein), also known as REG1B, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: REG1B regenerating islet derived 1 beta (pancreatic stone protein, pancreatic thread… … Wikipedia
REG4 — Regenerating islet derived family, member 4, also known as REG4, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: REG4 regenerating islet derived family, member 4| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene Cmd=ShowDetailView… … Wikipedia
REG3A — Regenerating islet derived 3 alpha, also known as REG3A, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: REG3A regenerating islet derived 3 alpha| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene Cmd=ShowDetailView TermToSearch=5068|… … Wikipedia
REG3G — Regenerating islet derived 3 gamma, also known as REG3G, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: REG3G regenerating islet derived 3 gamma| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene Cmd=ShowDetailView TermToSearch=130120|… … Wikipedia
regeneration — /ri jen euh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. act of regenerating; state of being regenerated. 2. Electronics. a feedback process in which energy from the output of an amplifier is fed back to the grid circuit to reinforce the input. 3. Biol. the restoration or … Universalium
Nerve guidance conduit — A nerve guidance conduit (also referred to as an artificial nerve conduit or artificial nerve graft, as opposed to an autograft) is an artificial means of guiding axonal regrowth to facilitate nerve regeneration and is one of several clinical… … Wikipedia
Heparan sulfate analogue — Heparan sulfate analogues are polymers engineered to mimic several properties of heparan sulfates. [1] They can be constituted with a backbone of polysaccharides, such as poly glucose or glucuronates [2] or a polyester such as co polymers of… … Wikipedia