batch size

batch size
объём партии; объём серии (напр. обрабатываемых деталей)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "batch size" в других словарях:

  • Size-exclusion chromatography — Equipment for running size exclusion chromatography. The buffer is pumped through the column (right) by a computer controlled device Acronym SEC Classification Chromatography Analytes …   Wikipedia

  • size — unix утилита, отображающая информацию о размерах секций для объектных файлов обычного формата. Выводятся три числа: размеры в байтах секции команд, секции данных и секции неинициализированных данных, а затем их сумма. Использование size [ o] [ x] …   Википедия

  • Batch reactor — The Batch reactor is the generic term for a type of vessel widely used in the process industries. Its name is something of a misnomer since vessels of this type are used for a variety of process operations such as solids dissolution, product… …   Wikipedia

  • Ideal firm size — The ideal firm size is the theoretically most competitive size for any company, in a given industry, at a given time; which should ideally correspond with the highest possible per unit profit. Discussion If only diseconomies of scale were… …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute size exclusion chromatography — (ASEC) is a technique which couples a dynamic light scattering (DLS) instrument to a size exclusion chromatography system for absolute size measurements of proteins and macromolecules as they elute from the chromatography system.A measurement is… …   Wikipedia

  • Sequencing batch reactor — Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) or sequential batch reactors are industrial processing tanks for the treatment of wastewater. SBR reactors treat waste water such as sewage or output from anaerobic digesters or mechanical biological treatment… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical plant — BASF Chemical Plant Portsmouth Site in the West Norfolk area of Portsmouth, Virginia, United States. The plant is served by the Commonwealth Railway …   Wikipedia

  • Acceptance Sampling — A statistical measure used in quality control. A company cannot test every one of its products due to either ruining the products, or the volume of products being too large. Acceptance sampling solves this by testing a sample of product for… …   Investment dictionary

  • Continuous-flow manufacturing — (CFM) is a manufacturing strategy that produces a part via a just in time and kanban production approach, and calls for an ongoing examination and improvement efforts which ultimately requires integration of all elements of the production system …   Wikipedia

  • Demand flow technology — (DFT) is a strategy to define and deploy business processes in a flow, driven in response to customer demand. DFT is based on a set of applied mathematical tools that are used to connect processes in a flow and link it to daily changes in demand …   Wikipedia

  • Evaporating Cloud — The Evaporating Cloud is one of the six Thinking Processes in the Theory of Constraints initially developed by Eliyahu M. Goldratt to enable the focused improvement of any system (especially business system). The Evaporating Cloud is also… …   Wikipedia

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