Смотреть что такое "reframing" в других словарях:
Reframing — This article is about a Neuro linguistic programming method. For reframing in cinematography, see Reframing (filmmaking). NLP … Wikipedia
Reframing — Der Begriff Umdeutung von englisch Reframing, seltener auch Neurahmung oder Referenztransformation, bezeichnet eine Technik, die aus der Systemischen Familientherapie stammt, und von Virginia Satir eingeführt wurde. Dem Reframing wird besonders… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Reframing — die Fähigkeit, ein bestimmtes Ereignis oder Verhalten in einem neuen Rahmen (Frame) zu sehen und in einen neuen Rahmen zu setzen. Dadurch verändert sich die Wahrnehmung der Bedeutung dieses Geschehens und damit wird die Voraussetzung geschaffen,… … Lexikon der Economics
Reframing (NLP) — Reframing is a technique in Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) where an undesirable behavior or trait is conferred a positive intention. Alternatives to satisfy the positive intent are found, followed by negotiations with (parts of) self to… … Wikipedia
Reframing time — In telecommunication, the reframing time (or frame alignment recovery time) is the time interval between the instant at which a valid frame alignment signal is available at the receiving data terminal equipment and the instant at which frame… … Wikipedia
Reframing (filmmaking) — In film, reframing is a change in camera angle without a cut. The term has been more often used in film criticism than in actual cinema. Critics of the technique include Andre Bazin among others. Notable Films in which Reframing is Used *Citizen… … Wikipedia
reframing — noun Framing anew or again … Wiktionary
reframing — v. frame something again … English contemporary dictionary
Cognitive reframing — consists of changing the way people see things and trying to find alternative ways of viewing ideas, events, situations, or a variety of other conepts. In the context of cognitive therapy, cognitive reframing is referred to as cognitive… … Wikipedia
Methods of neuro-linguistic programming — NLP TOPICS … Wikipedia
Neuro-linguistic programming — NLP TOPICS … Wikipedia