- batch material
1) сил. сырьевой материал; сырьё2) компонент шихты
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Batch distillation — Batch distillationcite book|author=Kister, Henry Z.|title= Distillation Design|edition=1st Edition |publisher=McGraw Hill|year=1992|id=ISBN 0 07 034909 6] refers to the use of distillation in batches, meaning that a mixture is distilled to… … Wikipedia
Batch-Digitalisierung — [dt. »Stapeldigitalisierung«] (Batch Digitizing), die stapelweise Bearbeitung (Stapelverarbeitung) von digitalem Videomaterial (Digital Video). Das Verfahren kommt besonders dann zum Einsatz, wenn viel Originalmaterial vorliegt. Dann wird beim… … Universal-Lexikon
batch — batch1 [bach] n. [ME bache < OE bacan,BAKE] 1. the amount (of bread, etc.) produced at one baking 2. the amount of material, as dough, needed for one operation 3. the quantity of anything made in one operation or lot 4. a number of things or… … English World dictionary
batch — batch1 /bach/, n. 1. a quantity or number coming at one time or taken together: a batch of prisoners. 2. the quantity of material prepared or required for one operation: mixing a batch of concrete. 3. the quantity of bread, cookies, dough, or the … Universalium
batch — I [[t]bætʃ[/t]] n. 1) a quantity or number coming at one time or taken together; group; lot: a batch of prisoners[/ex] 2) the quantity of bread, dough, etc., made at one baking: a batch of cookies[/ex] 3) the quantity of material prepared or… … From formal English to slang
batch — I. noun Etymology: Middle English bache; akin to Old English bacan to bake Date: 15th century 1. the quantity baked at one time ; baking 2. a. the quantity of material prepared or required for one operation; specifically a mixture of raw… … New Collegiate Dictionary
batch — I. /bætʃ / (say bach) noun 1. a quantity or a number taken together; a group: a batch of prisoners. 2. the quantity of material prepared or required for one operation or that quantity produced by one operation. 3. the quantity of bread made at… …
batch process — noun Any process that is not continuous, but is carried out with a discrete amount of material … Wiktionary
batch — [1] A number of things which are produced as a group. [2] A mixture of natural and synthetic rubber with other material such as fillers, chemicals, and vulcanizing agents in the production of tires … Dictionary of automotive terms
regrind — [1] To smooth and polish again (e.g., valve seats). [2] A resin batch material produced by regrinding thermoplastic scrap and waste; such recycled material can be used to produce plastic parts which are not critical in terms of engineering… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Anaerobic digestion — and regenerative thermal oxidiser component of Lübeck mechanical biological treatment plant in Germany, 2007 … Wikipedia