- reflectance spectrum
спектр отражения
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
reflectance spectrum — difuzinio atspindžio spektras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. diffuse reflection spectrum; reflectance spectrum vok. Remissionsspektrum, n; Spektrum diffuser Reflexion, n rus. спектр рассеянного отражения, m pranc. spectre de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
spectre de réflectance — difuzinio atspindžio spektras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. diffuse reflection spectrum; reflectance spectrum vok. Remissionsspektrum, n; Spektrum diffuser Reflexion, n rus. спектр рассеянного отражения, m pranc. spectre de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
diffuse reflection spectrum — difuzinio atspindžio spektras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. diffuse reflection spectrum; reflectance spectrum vok. Remissionsspektrum, n; Spektrum diffuser Reflexion, n rus. спектр рассеянного отражения, m pranc. spectre de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Attenuated total reflectance — (ATR) is a sampling technique used in conjunction with infrared spectroscopy which enables samples to be examined directly in the solid or liquid state without further preparation.cite web | year=2005 | title=FT IR Spectroscopy Attenuated Total… … Wikipedia
Gray card — Gray cards are used, together with reflective light meters, as a way to produce consistent images in film and photography.A gray card is a flat object of a neutral gray color that derives from a flat reflectance spectrum. A typical examples is… … Wikipedia
Pigment — For the drug referred to as pigment, see black tar heroin. Natural ultramarine pigment in powdered form … Wikipedia
Reflectivity — In photometry and heat transfer, reflectivity is the fraction of incident radiation reflected by a surface. In full generality it must be treated as a directional property that is a function of the reflected direction, the incident direction, and … Wikipedia
meteorite — meteoritic /mee tee euh rit ik/, meteoritical, meteorital /mee tee euh ruyt l/, adj. /mee tee euh ruyt /, n. 1. a mass of stone or metal that has reached the earth from outer space; a fallen meteoroid. 2. a meteoroid. [1815 25; METEOR + ITE1] * * … Universalium
Yellow — Infobox color|title=Yellow pic= wavelength=570–580 symbolism=age/aging, warmth, cowardice, happiness, slow, sunshine, the Orient, electricity hex=FFFF00|textcolor=blue spelling=Color r=255|g=255|b=0|rgbspace=sRGB source=HTML/CSS… … Wikipedia
Titan (moon) — Titan Titan in 2005 by Cassini spacecraft Discovery Discovered by Christiaan Huygens … Wikipedia
Remissionsspektrum — difuzinio atspindžio spektras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. diffuse reflection spectrum; reflectance spectrum vok. Remissionsspektrum, n; Spektrum diffuser Reflexion, n rus. спектр рассеянного отражения, m pranc. spectre de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas