- referencing
1) установка (напр. рабочего органа) в исходное положение2) вчт. обращение3) формирование или установка опорного сигнала4) сравнение с эталоном; сравнение с образцом
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
referencing — ref·er·ence || refrÉ™ns n. comment, remark; ascription, relation; mention, allusion; regard; note that directs a reader to another source of information; supporting evidence taken from another book or publication v. add a footnote, place a note … English contemporary dictionary
Parenthetical referencing — is a citation system in which in text citations are made using parentheses, as opposed to footnotes. Full references are collected in alphabetical order by author s last name under a references or bibliography section at the end. There are two… … Wikipedia
Photo-referencing — in visual art is the practice of creating art based on a photograph. Art produced through this technique is said to be photo referenced.Almost all artists will photo reference at some point; even if not in their daily work, artists may photo… … Wikipedia
Self-referencing doomsday argument rebuttal — Self referencing doomsday argument rebuttals attempt to refute the Doomsday argument (that there is a credible link between the brevity of the human race s existence and its expected extinction) by applying the same reasoning to the life time of… … Wikipedia
Social referencing — Als Soziales Referenzieren (engl. social referencing) bezeichnet man in der Entwicklungspsychologie und der Säuglings und Kleinkindforschung das Phänomen, dass sich Säuglinge etwa ab 8 9 Monaten, in unvertrauten Situationen (beispielsweise wenn… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing — TIGER redirects here. For other uses see Tiger (disambiguation). Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing, or TIGER, or TIGER/Line is a format used by the United States Census Bureau to describe land attributes such as roads,… … Wikipedia
Spatial referencing systems — (SRS) are coordinate based local, regional or global systems used to locate geographical entities. Some of systems in existence are: *British national grid reference system *Irish national grid reference system * Irish Transverse Mercator *… … Wikipedia
criterion referencing — noun • • • Main Entry: ↑criterion … Useful english dictionary
List of songs about or referencing Elvis Presley — The iconic nature of Elvis Presley in music and popular culture have often made him a subject of or a touchstone in various songs. Written in memory of, or explicitly and primarily about him* A Century of Elvis by Belle and Sebastian * A Liddle… … Wikipedia
norm-referencing — normˈ refˈerencing noun (education) Comparing a pupil s abilities with those of his or her peers • • • Main Entry: ↑norm … Useful english dictionary
Wikipedia:Citing sources — Various shortcuts redirect here; you may be looking for Wikipedia:Reference desk, Wikipedia:Clean start, Wikipedia:Citing Wikipedia or Wikipedia:WikiProject Computer science. For a simpler introduction to citing sources, see Wikipedia:Referencing … Wikipedia