- reference group
1) групповой эталон2) группа образцовых мер
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
reference group — ➔ group * * * reference group UK US noun [C] ► MARKETING a group of people that influences the decisions and opinions of a person or group: »Whether a person felt rich or poor compared to their reference group was also a way of predicting… … Financial and business terms
reference group — The term reference group was coined by Herbert Hyman inArchives of Psychology (1942), to apply to the group against which an individual evaluates his or her own situation or conduct. Hyman distinguished between a membership group to which people… … Dictionary of sociology
Reference group — A reference group is a sociological concept referring to a group to which another group is compared. Reference groups are used in order to evaluate and determine the nature of a given individual or other group s characteristics and sociological… … Wikipedia
reference group — /ˈrɛfrəns grup/ (say refruhns groohp) noun 1. a group or class of persons with which an individual wishes to conform and which sanctions attitudes and standards of behaviour. 2. a group which is used as a standard for the purposes of self… …
reference group — referentinė grupė statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Grupė, į kurios elgesio normų, santykių, nuomonių ir vertybių sistemą orientuojasi sportininkas, vienaip ar kitaip elgdamasis reikšmingomis aplinkybėmis. Referentinė grupė… … Sporto terminų žodynas
reference group — referentinė grupė statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Reali arba įsivaizduojama socialinė visuma (pvz., tėvai, kaimynai, klubas), į kurios normas, vertybes ir nuomones orientuojasi individas. Referentinė grupė atlieka 2 funkcijas … Sporto terminų žodynas
reference group — Sociol. a group with which an individual identifies and whose values the individual accepts as guiding principles. [1940 45] * * * … Universalium
reference group — social group by which an individual measures himself … English contemporary dictionary
reference group — / ref(ə)rəns ˌgru:p/ noun a group of people who share some interest or aim and are used by consumers as a model to be imitated … Marketing dictionary in english
reference group — noun sociology : a group toward whose interests, attitudes, and values the individual is oriented … Useful english dictionary
Reference group — Референтная группа … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии