reduced arm

reduced arm
манипулятор неполной конфигурации (с уменьшенным числом степеней подвижности)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "reduced arm" в других словарях:

  • Reduced Instruction Set Computer — (RISC) (engl. für Rechner mit reduziertem Befehlssatz) ist eine Designphilosophie für Computerprozessoren, die einfache Maschinenbefehle bevorzugt. Der Begriff wurde 1980 von David A. Patterson und Carlo H. Séquin geprägt.[1] Die Beschränkung auf …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Reduced Instruction Set Computing — (RISC) (engl. für Rechnen mit reduziertem Befehlssatz) ist eine bestimmte Designphilosophie für Prozessoren. Es steht im Gegensatz zum CISC Prozessor Design. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Konsequenzen des RISC Befehlssatzes 2 Geschichte 3 Eigenschaften …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Arm Slave — Arm Slaves are fictional mecha from the light novel, manga, and anime series Full Metal Panic! OverviewThe term Arm Slave is the shortened form of Armored Mobile Master Slave System . They are largely humanoid powered suits operating in a semi… …   Wikipedia

  • Reduced instruction set computer — The acronym RISC (pronounced risk ), for reduced instruction set computing, represents a CPU design strategy emphasizing the insight that simplified instructions which do less may still provide for higher performance if this simplicity can be… …   Wikipedia

  • ARM architecture — This article is about a computer processor architecture. For other uses, see ARM (disambiguation). Logo ARM Designer ARM Holdings Bits …   Wikipedia

  • Reduced instruction set computer — Pour les articles homonymes, voir RISC. Un processeur HP RISC 7150 Le microprocesseur à jeu d instruction réduit ou reduced instruction set computer …   Wikipédia en Français

  • small arm — small armed, adj. Usually, small arms. a firearm designed to be held in one or both hands while being fired: in the U.S. the term is applied to weapons of a caliber of up to one in. (2.5 cm). [1680 90] * * * ▪ military technology Introduction… …   Universalium

  • Anthropometry of the upper arm — The anthropometry of the upper arm is a set of measurements of the shape of the upper arms. Large, saggy flaps of skin under the arm are colloquially known as bingo wings,[1] after the phrase was popularised by the comedy television program Bo… …   Wikipedia

  • Indian Naval Air Arm — The Indian Naval Air Arm is an important component of the Indian Navy. It undertakes several very important roles to support the Navy and project India s military power including aircraft carrier launched strikes against maritime targets, fleet… …   Wikipedia

  • AGM-78 Standard ARM — The AGM 78 Standard ARM was a missile developed by General Dynamics, United States of America. ARM stands for anti radiation missile.OverviewOriginally developed for the US Navy during the late 1960s, the AGM 78 was created in large part because… …   Wikipedia

  • i̯enǝter-, reduced case i̯enǝtr- (i̯n̥̄tr-) (*ḫenǝter) —     i̯enǝter , reduced case i̯enǝtr (i̯n̥̄tr ) (*ḫenǝter)     English meaning: husband’s brother’s wife     Deutsche Übersetzung: “die Frau of Bruders of Gatten”     Note: It derived from Root ĝen 1, ĝenǝ , ĝnē , ĝnō : “to bear” suffixed in… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

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