- recursive algorithm
рекурсивный алгоритм
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
recursive algorithm — rekursyvusis algoritmas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. recursive algorithm vok. rekursiver Algorithmus, m rus. рекурсивный алгоритм, m pranc. algorithme récursif, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
recursive algorithm — rekursinis algoritmas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Algoritmas, kuriuo aprašomi veiksmai su objektais naudojantis pačiais objektais, tik žemesniu lygiu. atitikmenys: angl. recursive algorithm ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – algoritmas dar žiūrėk … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Super-recursive algorithm — In computer science and computability theory, super recursive algorithms are algorithms that are more powerful, that is, compute more, than Turing machines. The term was introduced by Mark Burgin, whose book Super recursive algorithms develops… … Wikipedia
Recursive least squares filter — Recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm is used in adaptive filters to find the filter coefficients that relate to recursively producing the least squares (minimum of the sum of the absolute squared) of the error signal (difference between the… … Wikipedia
Algorithm — Flow chart of an algorithm (Euclid s algorithm) for calculating the greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) of two numbers a and b in locations named A and B. The algorithm proceeds by successive subtractions in two loops: IF the test B ≤ A yields yes… … Wikipedia
recursive — [ri kʉr′siv] adj. 1. reapplying the same formula or algorithm to a number or result in order to generate the next number or result in a series 2. returning again and again to a point or points already made [a recursive style of writing] … English World dictionary
Algorithm characterizations — The word algorithm does not have a generally accepted definition. Researchers are actively working in formalizing this term. This article will present some of the characterizations of the notion of algorithm in more detail. This article is a… … Wikipedia
Recursive languages and sets — This article is a temporary experiment to see whether it is feasible and desirable to merge the articles Recursive set, Recursive language, Decidable language, Decidable problem and Undecidable problem. Input on how best to do this is very much… … Wikipedia
Recursive set — In computability theory, a set of natural numbers is called recursive, computable or decidable if there is an algorithm which terminates after a finite amount of time and correctly decides whether or not a given number belongs to the set. A more… … Wikipedia
Recursive language — This article is about a class of formal languages as they are studied in mathematics and theoretical computer science. For computer languages that allow a function to call itself recursively, see Recursion (computer science). In mathematics,… … Wikipedia
recursive control algorithm — rekursyvusis valdymo algoritmas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. recursive control algorithm vok. rekursiver Regelungs od. Steuerungs algorithmus, m rus. рекурсивный алгоритм управления, m pranc. algorithme de réglage récurrent, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas