- recommended practices
рекомендованные правила эксплуатации; руководящие указания
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Aerospace Recommended Practices — Die Aerospace Recommended Practices sind eine von den Luftfahrtbehörden Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) herausgegebene Sammlung von Dokumenten, welche die Anforderungen an komplexe Systeme in Flugzeugen (z. B. IT Systeme) beschreibt. Hier… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Extreme Programming Practices — Extreme Programming (XP) is a popular agile software development methodology used to implement software projects. This article details the practices used in this methodology. Extreme Programming has 12 practices, grouped into four areas, derived… … Wikipedia
Best Practices — A set of guidelines, ethics or ideas that represent the most efficient or prudent course of action. Best practices are often set forth by an authority, such as a governing body or management, depending on the circumstances. While best practices… … Investment dictionary
Soybean management practices — A producer can utilize a variety of different management practices to raise a soybean crop. Type of tillage, plant population, row spacing, and planting date are four major management decisions that soybean farmers over the world must consider.… … Wikipedia
Statements of Recommended Practice — (SORPs) Recommended accounting practices for specialised sectors. SORPs supplement accounting standards and other legal and regulatory requirements in the light of the special factors prevailing or transactions undertaken in a particular sector.… … Law dictionary
RPG — Recommended Practices Guide Contributor: MSFC … NASA Acronyms
American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association — The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA) is a North American railway industry group. It publishes recommended practices for the design, construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure, which are… … Wikipedia
IEST — The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) is a non profit, technical society. Information on ISO 14644 and ISO 14698 Standards can be found through this organization.Founded in 1953, the organization is headquartered in… … Wikipedia
Oil Industry Safety Directorate — The Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) is an organisation supported by all petroleum companies of India, like IOCL, ONGC, BPCL, HPCL, OIL etc. OISD has basically framed rules and guidelines for Safe Distances to be observed for various… … Wikipedia
Multi-stage continuous integration — allows for a high degree of integration to occur in parallel while vastly reducing the scope of integration problems. [1] Contents 1 Theory 2 Recommended Practices 2.1 Recommended Practice #1 … Wikipedia
Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale — 45°30′1″N 73°33′51″O / 45.50028, 73.56417 … Wikipédia en Français