- recessed trench
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
LOCOS-Prozess — LOCOS, kurz für englisch Local Oxidation of Silicon (dt. »lokale Oxidation von Silicium«, ist in der Halbleitertechnik ein Verfahren zur elektrischen Isolation von Bauelementen (meist Transistoren). Dafür wird der Silicium Wafer an… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Law, Crime, and Law Enforcement — ▪ 2006 Introduction Trials of former heads of state, U.S. Supreme Court rulings on eminent domain and the death penalty, and high profile cases against former executives of large corporations were leading legal and criminal issues in 2005.… … Universalium
Earth sheltering — is the architectural practice of using earth against building walls for external thermal mass, to reduce heat loss, and to easily maintain a steady indoor air temperature. Earth sheltering is popular in modern times among advocates of passive… … Wikipedia
King John's Palace — viewed from the south east King John s Palace, King s Clipstone is the remains of a once magnificent medieval royal palace in north west Nottinghamshire. The name King John s Palace has been used since the 18th century, prior to that the site was … Wikipedia
Dugout (shelter) — Dugout home near Pie Town, New Mexico, 1940. A dugout or dug out, also known as a pithouse, pit house, earth lodge, mud hut, is a shelter for humans or domesticated animals and livestock based on a hole or depression dug into the ground. These… … Wikipedia
Architecture and Civil Engineering — ▪ 2009 Introduction Architecture For Notable Civil Engineering Projects in work or completed in 2008, see Table (Notable Civil Engineering Projects (in work or completed, 2008)). Beijing was the centre of the world of architecture… … Universalium
TARDIS — The TARDIS used from 2005 to 2010 on display at BBC Television Centre … Wikipedia
Séré de Rivières system — The Séré de Rivières system was an ensemble of fortifications built from 1874 and first used at the beginning of the First World War along the frontiers and coasts of France. It derived its name from the man who conceived it, Raymond Adolphe Séré … Wikipedia
Coffer — Cof fer (?; 115), n. [OF. cofre, F. coffre, L. cophinus basket, fr. Gr. ?. Cf. {Coffin}, n.] 1. A casket, chest, or trunk; especially, one used for keeping money or other valuables. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] In ivory coffers I have stuffed my… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Coffer dam — Coffer Cof fer (?; 115), n. [OF. cofre, F. coffre, L. cophinus basket, fr. Gr. ?. Cf. {Coffin}, n.] 1. A casket, chest, or trunk; especially, one used for keeping money or other valuables. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] In ivory coffers I have stuffed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Coffer fish — Coffer Cof fer (?; 115), n. [OF. cofre, F. coffre, L. cophinus basket, fr. Gr. ?. Cf. {Coffin}, n.] 1. A casket, chest, or trunk; especially, one used for keeping money or other valuables. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] In ivory coffers I have stuffed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English